Friday, July 30, 2010

Stupid Wall

So the fam went on a luxurious vacation to the tropical Lake Gaston a week ago. While we were there Holly and I learned a number of things... A) Large, for her age, is a great swimmer... well a great doggie paddle on steroids. B) when my brothers, sister in laws, go on vacation.. they GO on vacation!! C) I have learned how to brew my own beer and cant wait to start, D) Large thinks its ok to pee in lake water, cause well..... "you cant see it daddy". and lastly...

Millie has learned that there was a wall here is the math equation



And a flight of stairs equals......... drum roll.............................


Thats right, leave it to the Wright kids to put a hole in a vacation home wall within 24 hours of arriving!!! Thanks Millie, daddy had to actually WORK on his vacation.
The up side, I now know how to do quick repair work! We all had a great time on the first of our two vacations for the summer. Had alot of laughs and good times, and at the end of the day THAT is what it is all about!

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