You know it's a good day when Lin and I are fighting over who gets to write the next blog post. Here's how it went:
Lin: Did you read my new post?
Holly: Uuuugghh! I wanted to write a blog post faaiir.
Lin: You still can, baby, it's ok!
Holly: (pout & grumble) ok.
I haven't gotten to write all week, Lin is hogging this blog! Enough complaining!! It's Friday and I am freaky so here goes!
1. I love Lindsay cupcakes ALMOST as much as I love Lindsay herself! You can read about it here...or at
2. I get to see my sister TOMORROW!!!! YAAAAYYYYY!!!! How many years am I allowed to be traumatized by her moving 12 hours away?
3. I am praying today for a friend who has to move tomorrow under some yucky circumstances and another friend who is looking for a can I pray for you, dear reader?
4. Small's feet do not stink (yet), I know this because I spend an absurd amount of time sniffing (and eating) them.
5. I am so very blessed.
6. I hope there is not a ton of rain next week.
7. OH CRAP! I forgot I had brownies in the oven...brb..........the oven was off....close one!
8. We are going to have some 'cousin time' tonight and I am super excited!
9. Awesome walk with one of my girls this morning, I HAVE GOT to exercise more!!!!!
10. I wouldn't have to sniff on Small's feet so much if he would stop waving them around right in front of me. He sticks them out and I can't resist, then he smiles as if to say 'come on Mom, come and get 'em!' . Small-why must you tempt me, so?
11. He is still getting up in the middle of the night but lately he does not cry, he just talks softly at first and then louder and louder until I feed him. 6 MONTHS OLD!!! Can you believe it???
Well I could keep going but I am pretty sure you don't want to read 12 more thoughts about how Small smells. He woke up and I got distracted! :-D Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
A House where kids out number the parents, and the parents STILL think they are in charge
Friday, July 30, 2010
Stupid Wall
So the fam went on a luxurious vacation to the tropical Lake Gaston a week ago. While we were there Holly and I learned a number of things... A) Large, for her age, is a great swimmer... well a great doggie paddle on steroids. B) when my brothers, sister in laws, go on vacation.. they GO on vacation!! C) I have learned how to brew my own beer and cant wait to start, D) Large thinks its ok to pee in lake water, cause well..... "you cant see it daddy". and lastly...
Millie has learned that there was a wall here is the math equation
And a flight of stairs equals......... drum roll.............................
Thats right, leave it to the Wright kids to put a hole in a vacation home wall within 24 hours of arriving!!! Thanks Millie, daddy had to actually WORK on his vacation.
The up side, I now know how to do quick repair work! We all had a great time on the first of our two vacations for the summer. Had alot of laughs and good times, and at the end of the day THAT is what it is all about!
Millie has learned that there was a wall here is the math equation


And a flight of stairs equals......... drum roll.............................

Thats right, leave it to the Wright kids to put a hole in a vacation home wall within 24 hours of arriving!!! Thanks Millie, daddy had to actually WORK on his vacation.
The up side, I now know how to do quick repair work! We all had a great time on the first of our two vacations for the summer. Had alot of laughs and good times, and at the end of the day THAT is what it is all about!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Camping Trip
OK, just so everyone knows, we have been on a break due to vacations (and more to come). The sad part is, that on our first of two vacations this summer, we didn't have Internet nor did we have phone reception... (I know right...WOW).... so that was good and bad.

Since her nap was much longer than expected, once she woke up we just hung around the cap site, running around, getting dirty, laughing and watching the sun go down. She helped Daddy cook dinner and even helped clean up. And then it started.... SMORES.... she could not wait to cook em... so while her and I went and got a shower, cleaned up, My brother started the fire in the pit. When her and I got back she helped me pick out a good long twig that was obviously made for cooking marshmallows. and she stood by the fire and just smiled... once the marshmallow was good, crispy and somewhat on fire, she sat down... sandwiched her chocolate in between the grahmcrackers and stared, almost to the point to where I wondered if she was going to eat it or just marvel at what she had created. But before I could finish my thought... GULP.... she downed the chocolate goodness!
Cleaned up again, into the tent she went with Daddy, tucked into bed, with a few comfort items, a nightly story from Daddy, and off to bed (notice I didn't say SLEEP) she went. I walked to the side of the tent, cracked a good cold beer and sat down, started to talk with My brother on his and My views on Religion, when....."DADDY".... I looked over and there sat Large... smiling.... and in the sweetest voice.... "can you come to sleep with Me"... there is NO beer good enough to turn that down.... So her and I lay in the tent. with the crickets chirping, looking up through the screen roof at the stars when Large started pointing out shaped and figures she saw in the sky, squares, circles, horses and smiley faces. My heart melted, her and I lay talking, giggling and after about 15 mins.... snoring.... like a train... she was out.... arms by her side. curled up to Daddy like glue.... I could move... and lets be honest... would I even have wanted to? NOPE.. so I lay there.. thinking to myself, trying to find the shapes in the sky that she saw and realized that her mind and imagination was amazing, she could see things that I couldn't..... Oh to be a kid again!!!
The sun rose, the chirping from the crickets turned to the chirping of the birds... I however sadly couldn't hear them due to the loud screaming of the kids across the path yelling at their dad to get up and turn the TV on in the RV, and start cooking the eggs and sausage. Large and I lay in the tent for a bit, talking about her favorite parts from the previous day, before getting out of the tent and starting our own breakfast on the lil propane camping grill. And started our day off by cleaning up, packing up and taking off to the lake to go swimming some more before heading back home again.
I can remember back when I was younger, much younger and smile about all the times My Dad had with me, all the traditions he and I shared. Knowing that I have now started that with Large, and soon to be Medium and at some point Small gives me a feeling that only a Dad could have. And I love it. There was a time not too long ago (2yrs), that I was a selfish man, and didn't have nor did I want to spend time with my kids, with some help from Holly, an amazing friend Dennis Green and most importantly God, I now have something that I can now say I couldn't live without, the hearts of my kids, their smiles, laughter and time. My traditions have started and I look forward to sharing, and remembering them all
So, let me catch everyone up on what has been going on... I (Daddy), took Large on her first camping trip. Her and I, along with My middle brother Brandon and his dog Simpson went to Bear Creek Lake State Park a few weeks ago. To me this was the first real Father/Daughter thing that I did with her, and I had been looking forward to this day for 3.5 yrs. In my mind every day is looking forward to that first camping trip, the first cheer leading game, football, soccer, or baseball game.
So Brandon got to the camp site Friday afternoon and set up his little area and just kinda chilled until Large and I were to get there early Sat. morning. I thought that camping for the first time for 2 nights would have been pushing it. So I got a call from my brother early Sat morning telling me that is was HOT, raining and nasty out and that he thought it would be best if we called it off..... That however wasn't happening, I paid for the site, I was using the site. So Large and I drove out to the park and by the time we got there... SUN!!
So Brandon got to the camp site Friday afternoon and set up his little area and just kinda chilled until Large and I were to get there early Sat. morning. I thought that camping for the first time for 2 nights would have been pushing it. So I got a call from my brother early Sat morning telling me that is was HOT, raining and nasty out and that he thought it would be best if we called it off..... That however wasn't happening, I paid for the site, I was using the site. So Large and I drove out to the park and by the time we got there... SUN!!
I had the most amazing time with Large. The smile on her face the entire time was priceless. from making our own sandwiches, kayaking, hiking, finding fun things to do in the woods, swimming, I never knew she was such a water bug, and never knew she could swim so well, ok to be honest its more of a doggie paddle on steroids, but she got from point A to point B none the less. We built sand castles, we did everything that she and I wanted to do... no outside distractions, no TV no phones, no REAL rules. For those 2 days her and I did want we wanted, when we wanted. And you could tell by her 3.5 hr nap, which usually lasts about 1.5 hrs if we are lucky.

Since her nap was much longer than expected, once she woke up we just hung around the cap site, running around, getting dirty, laughing and watching the sun go down. She helped Daddy cook dinner and even helped clean up. And then it started.... SMORES.... she could not wait to cook em... so while her and I went and got a shower, cleaned up, My brother started the fire in the pit. When her and I got back she helped me pick out a good long twig that was obviously made for cooking marshmallows. and she stood by the fire and just smiled... once the marshmallow was good, crispy and somewhat on fire, she sat down... sandwiched her chocolate in between the grahmcrackers and stared, almost to the point to where I wondered if she was going to eat it or just marvel at what she had created. But before I could finish my thought... GULP.... she downed the chocolate goodness!

Cleaned up again, into the tent she went with Daddy, tucked into bed, with a few comfort items, a nightly story from Daddy, and off to bed (notice I didn't say SLEEP) she went. I walked to the side of the tent, cracked a good cold beer and sat down, started to talk with My brother on his and My views on Religion, when....."DADDY".... I looked over and there sat Large... smiling.... and in the sweetest voice.... "can you come to sleep with Me"... there is NO beer good enough to turn that down.... So her and I lay in the tent. with the crickets chirping, looking up through the screen roof at the stars when Large started pointing out shaped and figures she saw in the sky, squares, circles, horses and smiley faces. My heart melted, her and I lay talking, giggling and after about 15 mins.... snoring.... like a train... she was out.... arms by her side. curled up to Daddy like glue.... I could move... and lets be honest... would I even have wanted to? NOPE.. so I lay there.. thinking to myself, trying to find the shapes in the sky that she saw and realized that her mind and imagination was amazing, she could see things that I couldn't..... Oh to be a kid again!!!
The sun rose, the chirping from the crickets turned to the chirping of the birds... I however sadly couldn't hear them due to the loud screaming of the kids across the path yelling at their dad to get up and turn the TV on in the RV, and start cooking the eggs and sausage. Large and I lay in the tent for a bit, talking about her favorite parts from the previous day, before getting out of the tent and starting our own breakfast on the lil propane camping grill. And started our day off by cleaning up, packing up and taking off to the lake to go swimming some more before heading back home again.

I can remember back when I was younger, much younger and smile about all the times My Dad had with me, all the traditions he and I shared. Knowing that I have now started that with Large, and soon to be Medium and at some point Small gives me a feeling that only a Dad could have. And I love it. There was a time not too long ago (2yrs), that I was a selfish man, and didn't have nor did I want to spend time with my kids, with some help from Holly, an amazing friend Dennis Green and most importantly God, I now have something that I can now say I couldn't live without, the hearts of my kids, their smiles, laughter and time. My traditions have started and I look forward to sharing, and remembering them all
Friday, July 16, 2010
You Snooze You Lose! / Freaky Friday
Well Lin said he was going to post about his camping trip with Large 4 days ago. He has not and I don't want the world to think we are strangely obsessed with Dennis so here goes! Bad news is I have nothing to talk about so I decided to post a list of my random thoughts for your reading pleasure......let's hope Lin returns quickly with some camping stories.
Freaky Friday:
1. I love the Pioneer Woman's blog, sometimes I want to be her....except for the 'living in the middle of nowhere' part. Read it for yourself if you like
2. Wish I knew how to do that 'here' trick where you can link stuff and say read about it here.
3. The guacamole I made to go with my quesadilla was a little too salty which nicely masked the cardboardyness of the multi-grain tortilla I used.
4. I should totally be paying bills or doing laundry.
5. Abby (my FAB cousin) mentioned checking out yard sales and now I really want to.
---Yard sales always make me miss my friend Tracy who moved.
6. I might need to work in a wedding dress store someday.
7. Small is so super adorable when he sleeps, or smiles, or always.
8. Whoa, Large's nap was too short.
9. Looking forward to hanging out with my Dad tonight and this coming up week.
10. My husband has some really awesome traits, one of them is that cleaning makes him in a good mood. Again I hear swooning ladies.....sorry girls he's ALL MINE!!!! :-)
11. This post might be super lame.
Freaky Friday:
1. I love the Pioneer Woman's blog, sometimes I want to be her....except for the 'living in the middle of nowhere' part. Read it for yourself if you like
2. Wish I knew how to do that 'here' trick where you can link stuff and say read about it here.
3. The guacamole I made to go with my quesadilla was a little too salty which nicely masked the cardboardyness of the multi-grain tortilla I used.
4. I should totally be paying bills or doing laundry.
5. Abby (my FAB cousin) mentioned checking out yard sales and now I really want to.
---Yard sales always make me miss my friend Tracy who moved.
6. I might need to work in a wedding dress store someday.
7. Small is so super adorable when he sleeps, or smiles, or always.
8. Whoa, Large's nap was too short.
9. Looking forward to hanging out with my Dad tonight and this coming up week.
10. My husband has some really awesome traits, one of them is that cleaning makes him in a good mood. Again I hear swooning ladies.....sorry girls he's ALL MINE!!!! :-)
11. This post might be super lame.
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Shout Out to my Friend!!
Last night one of our close friends was ordained. It was very exciting for us because he is very special to Lin and me. It was also exciting because there was no nursery for the penguins. Small was fine, off with one of his (many) girlfriends. You would think that 4 adults could manage Large and Medium for an hour but have you met these penguins? Large had been camping and was far too tired to behave properly. Besides she has entered this "I only want/love/will accept help from my Dad" stage. Awesome. And we forgot to bring duct tape for Medium's mouth..... maybe next time. Anyway, the service was wonderful and moving and I just wanted to take a minute to tell the world how proud I am of Dennis. First off you know he's a smarty because he picked one of the awesomest wives around, one of my best friends, Brenda. Dennis is the kind of friend who will have a sleepover with your baby so you can have 9 straight hours of sleep! Whoa. All the girls just swooned. He will repair your side view mirror when an orange barrel jumps out of nowhere and takes it off. He'll help you find work if you need extra cash. He could probably teach you how to hit a golf ball or a softball (just don't ask him to run the bases!). He'll make sure your husband doesn't forget that he's ugly. He's the sort of friend you can tease mercilessly and he knows it's only cause you love him. But the one thing he did for me that I will be FOREVER grateful for is save my marriage. Lin and I are in a great place now but we have had to overcome alot of struggles in our short time together. I can say for sure that we would not be together and happy today if not for Dennis. God put him in our lives I am 100% sure of that and I am so thankful that He did. I love his honesty and encouragement. Every time we have needed him he has been right there to help us. Thanks Big D, we love ya!
If you'd like to experience Dennis for yourself come (as you are) to the Westchester Commons Regal Cinema at 9:30 any Sunday morning. It's FREE and also includes: awesome music, great friends, super strong coffee, and an incredible message.
If you'd like to experience Dennis for yourself come (as you are) to the Westchester Commons Regal Cinema at 9:30 any Sunday morning. It's FREE and also includes: awesome music, great friends, super strong coffee, and an incredible message.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Rent a Friend
Ok let me preface this post with a few things... A) I'm a dork, B) I can't spell, C) this will prove a lot and D) REALLY.....
So that being said, Holly and I were watching the Today's Show a few days ago and.... (oh wait wait another footnote, this is not a plug for what I am about to talk about...) anyways, Holly and I were watching the "Today's Show", and we saw a segment for a new website called "Rent a Friend".
So let me explain this. "Rent a Friend" is a website that people can get on and look up someone that they can take out on a date, a concert, a skydiving experience, or whatever else floats their boat. You can go 1 of 2 different ways, you can either be the date or the dater. So I was curious (you are too don't look at me that way). I looked up the website directly after the segment went off and wouldn't you know it, there were so many hits at that point that I couldn't log onto the site.... which got me thinking... A) I need to get on the Today's Show to become famous, what better way to get all the inventions I think about while in the restroom than on that show OBVIOUSLY.... and B) this is what the world has come to... you can make a website for anything...
What I have come to realize is all that site is, is a glorified escort service. I mean you log on, find someone that fits your fancy and pay them to be your friend for 1,2,3+ hours. So I got to thinking again, hmmmm experiment time. Maybe Holly or Myself could post a profile, and see what comes of it. And post about it and in the process make some coin. Cause as we all know, we all need some extra coin. My profile could read like this....
So that being said, Holly and I were watching the Today's Show a few days ago and.... (oh wait wait another footnote, this is not a plug for what I am about to talk about...) anyways, Holly and I were watching the "Today's Show", and we saw a segment for a new website called "Rent a Friend".
So let me explain this. "Rent a Friend" is a website that people can get on and look up someone that they can take out on a date, a concert, a skydiving experience, or whatever else floats their boat. You can go 1 of 2 different ways, you can either be the date or the dater. So I was curious (you are too don't look at me that way). I looked up the website directly after the segment went off and wouldn't you know it, there were so many hits at that point that I couldn't log onto the site.... which got me thinking... A) I need to get on the Today's Show to become famous, what better way to get all the inventions I think about while in the restroom than on that show OBVIOUSLY.... and B) this is what the world has come to... you can make a website for anything...
What I have come to realize is all that site is, is a glorified escort service. I mean you log on, find someone that fits your fancy and pay them to be your friend for 1,2,3+ hours. So I got to thinking again, hmmmm experiment time. Maybe Holly or Myself could post a profile, and see what comes of it. And post about it and in the process make some coin. Cause as we all know, we all need some extra coin. My profile could read like this....
32 yr old male, sweats a lot, afraid of roller coasters, heights and bee's, married, 3 kids, no free time, fairly boring, dresses somewhat gay(ish), has a tendency to make stupid comments at stupid sayings, doesn't like the beach and much much more!

That would get tons of hits right!!
I looked on the website, yes I finally got on. There are actually people already doing this in Richmond. You can charge whatever fee you wish, 20 even 50 dollars an hour.
So I am not sure where I was going with this, BUT, I think there is a deeper question and topic here.. so lets discuss!!!
I looked on the website, yes I finally got on. There are actually people already doing this in Richmond. You can charge whatever fee you wish, 20 even 50 dollars an hour.
So I am not sure where I was going with this, BUT, I think there is a deeper question and topic here.. so lets discuss!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What to do, what to do.....?
Oh that last post was so lovely I did not want to write a new one!!!! But I need some help friends! Did I only start a blog for you all to answer all my 'life questions'? Perhaps! Or perhaps one of you out there is the vehicle through which God is going to speak to me......oooooh wouldn't ya like it to be you!
So here is the deal, in case some of you don't know I have been job hunting for a while now. Before I had the penguins I was a career nanny. It prepared me for motherhood very nicely! I would love to be able to stay at home with the penguins full time but raising 3 of them is SUPER expensive. I have been on a few interviews and had hoped to find a job that enabled me to bring Small at least until he stops nursing. I would say by October or so I could probably leave him all day. So, I interviewed for a great job last week and they want to hire me but they have MAJOR reservations about me bringing Small. I guess I could pump and leave him with bottles IF he would ever take a bottle! Raise your hand if you have given Small a bottle and he took more than an ounce......right, *crickets* just as I suspected. For now he would need at least two bottles per day while I was gone to work. So what's a girl to do? Leave Small to starve for the good of the rest of the family? Hope his brain develops properly on green beans, pears, and oatmeal? Pray everyday that he finally decides a bottle is an acceptable substitute for his dear ole Mom? Stay home with Mr. Picky-Pants and keep making Lin and the lady penguins eat spaghetti? Someone out there must have all the answers, right? Well I am sure nobody (but God) has ALL the answers but you folks are all welcome to weigh in here, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!! Hope all my peeps out there are enjoying this crazy heat!!!
So here is the deal, in case some of you don't know I have been job hunting for a while now. Before I had the penguins I was a career nanny. It prepared me for motherhood very nicely! I would love to be able to stay at home with the penguins full time but raising 3 of them is SUPER expensive. I have been on a few interviews and had hoped to find a job that enabled me to bring Small at least until he stops nursing. I would say by October or so I could probably leave him all day. So, I interviewed for a great job last week and they want to hire me but they have MAJOR reservations about me bringing Small. I guess I could pump and leave him with bottles IF he would ever take a bottle! Raise your hand if you have given Small a bottle and he took more than an ounce......right, *crickets* just as I suspected. For now he would need at least two bottles per day while I was gone to work. So what's a girl to do? Leave Small to starve for the good of the rest of the family? Hope his brain develops properly on green beans, pears, and oatmeal? Pray everyday that he finally decides a bottle is an acceptable substitute for his dear ole Mom? Stay home with Mr. Picky-Pants and keep making Lin and the lady penguins eat spaghetti? Someone out there must have all the answers, right? Well I am sure nobody (but God) has ALL the answers but you folks are all welcome to weigh in here, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!! Hope all my peeps out there are enjoying this crazy heat!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
A MAN.... ???
So, I grew up in a home full of men, aside from my mom... I was taught at a young age a number of things, and most of these things you could combine and call them "dad quotes". Ranging from but not only, " Are ya bleeding? No, then get up and play. Go drink some Tussin you'll be alright, Come on son, men don't cry. Your mom and I expect more from you son. For God sakes, DON'T, DON'T get her pregnant, that's all you need, knock up some one night stand. Well son, I tried it, I knew you would try it, did you like it? Now go flush it down the toilet. Wait, let Me flush it down the toilet." The list could go on and on.
I have a son now... granted he is only 5 months old, BUT, he already has much older women after him (that's my boy George, that's the curse you will have to live with). I have always had it in my mind on how I would raise my children, that I would be the strong arm in the family and I would "break bad' on em... then I realized, I was weak. I hate punishing my kids, I mean look at em their sooo sweet (on the outside) they are like those mafia"ish" penguins in that movie Madagascar on the inside, always planning their next move, how to get to the top shelf, and snatch the cookies etc.
Ok back to the topic at hand. I look at My son now and wonder, what kind of man do I want him to be, when friends, girlfriends, parents of friends and said girlfriends, and strangers look at him, what do I want them to see. Now I am not saying that I was brought up wrong, bad or anything. I am successful for the most part, have a loving wife, and amazing kids that I could sell for a mint on the black market and a God that has blessed me with more than I could ever ask for. But I do know that I want to bring him up with some different values than I was brought up with.
I think that there is a large difference between what society says a man is and what God, church and the bible says a man is. Now I am not sure all of the in's and out's of that is, but I have my own opinions. First, I think that being a man is much more than not crying, I think it is ok for a man to cry, maybe not at the Movie Twilight or Dirty Dancing, but it is ok to cry, I think that being a man is more than providing for your family financially, I Think that it is more than punishing your kids. To be being a man is putting your family before you, supporting everyone through whatever they need. To make sure that your children have a strong belief in God, to know that is it ok to make mistakes. To be truthful, honest and upfront with all they goods and bads in ones life. And to make sure that your wife is treated as gold, and that nothing, and nobody comes between you and her, or into your house that could cause and heartburn.
I could go on and on. But, I will end here.......
Small, please understand that over time I will make mistakes, I will fumble, I will cry in front of you, I will laugh with you. We will have those "Father/Son.... Man to Man" moments. Some I will have had with My dad, some we will create on our own. Please understand that when you don't think you are being watched by others, and you might get away with it, you are and you wont. Know that I love you. Treat your Mom wonderfully, she sacrificed alot for you. Your sisters will over time have friends over.. try NOT to spy on em too much. Your Mom and I look forward to bringing you up in an environment that we never had. When you are old enough for your friends to say the following, "try this you'll love it, we did it." A) they never tried it and B) you wont love it! I only know this cause well, I was the fool who fell for it over and over again. Money isn't everything, Family will always be there for you no matter how badly you messed up. Try and let you Mom get some sleep, cause well... she is sooo tired and well... daddy needs some lovin (one day you will understand and laugh at that). If you ever have any questions and anything (other than women), ask me....
Mommy, I love you. You are amazing, you are the most understanding, gorgeous, strong willed, good hearted, loving, caring woman I have ever met. And it doesn't hurt that you are a great kisser either. I look forward to raising the kids with you. I look forward to getting back to dating again. To doing silly, fun grown up stuff again. I have stumbled, I have tripped. And after every "oops" you pick Me back up, pray, forgive me and hug Me... and I thank you for that.
To Large and Medium, I am sorry that I cant write all this to you yet.. cause well.. I am still trying to figure girls out!!! But soon.. I promise, with Mommy's help!!!!!
I have a son now... granted he is only 5 months old, BUT, he already has much older women after him (that's my boy George, that's the curse you will have to live with). I have always had it in my mind on how I would raise my children, that I would be the strong arm in the family and I would "break bad' on em... then I realized, I was weak. I hate punishing my kids, I mean look at em their sooo sweet (on the outside) they are like those mafia"ish" penguins in that movie Madagascar on the inside, always planning their next move, how to get to the top shelf, and snatch the cookies etc.
Ok back to the topic at hand. I look at My son now and wonder, what kind of man do I want him to be, when friends, girlfriends, parents of friends and said girlfriends, and strangers look at him, what do I want them to see. Now I am not saying that I was brought up wrong, bad or anything. I am successful for the most part, have a loving wife, and amazing kids that I could sell for a mint on the black market and a God that has blessed me with more than I could ever ask for. But I do know that I want to bring him up with some different values than I was brought up with.
I think that there is a large difference between what society says a man is and what God, church and the bible says a man is. Now I am not sure all of the in's and out's of that is, but I have my own opinions. First, I think that being a man is much more than not crying, I think it is ok for a man to cry, maybe not at the Movie Twilight or Dirty Dancing, but it is ok to cry, I think that being a man is more than providing for your family financially, I Think that it is more than punishing your kids. To be being a man is putting your family before you, supporting everyone through whatever they need. To make sure that your children have a strong belief in God, to know that is it ok to make mistakes. To be truthful, honest and upfront with all they goods and bads in ones life. And to make sure that your wife is treated as gold, and that nothing, and nobody comes between you and her, or into your house that could cause and heartburn.
I could go on and on. But, I will end here.......
Small, please understand that over time I will make mistakes, I will fumble, I will cry in front of you, I will laugh with you. We will have those "Father/Son.... Man to Man" moments. Some I will have had with My dad, some we will create on our own. Please understand that when you don't think you are being watched by others, and you might get away with it, you are and you wont. Know that I love you. Treat your Mom wonderfully, she sacrificed alot for you. Your sisters will over time have friends over.. try NOT to spy on em too much. Your Mom and I look forward to bringing you up in an environment that we never had. When you are old enough for your friends to say the following, "try this you'll love it, we did it." A) they never tried it and B) you wont love it! I only know this cause well, I was the fool who fell for it over and over again. Money isn't everything, Family will always be there for you no matter how badly you messed up. Try and let you Mom get some sleep, cause well... she is sooo tired and well... daddy needs some lovin (one day you will understand and laugh at that). If you ever have any questions and anything (other than women), ask me....
Mommy, I love you. You are amazing, you are the most understanding, gorgeous, strong willed, good hearted, loving, caring woman I have ever met. And it doesn't hurt that you are a great kisser either. I look forward to raising the kids with you. I look forward to getting back to dating again. To doing silly, fun grown up stuff again. I have stumbled, I have tripped. And after every "oops" you pick Me back up, pray, forgive me and hug Me... and I thank you for that.
To Large and Medium, I am sorry that I cant write all this to you yet.. cause well.. I am still trying to figure girls out!!! But soon.. I promise, with Mommy's help!!!!!
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