Friday, May 13, 2011

Moving Toward the Goal!

I do have some long term goals for this blog. Let me make it clear I am not a 'set goals' kind of person. I am not driven or organized or particularly motivated. I like ideas (especially my own ;) but I am not very good at following through. That's one reason I love raising children, it's daily work that can't be left behind or forgotten about. It's more about developing good habits and less about completing a project. Plus, you get lots of chances to fix your mistakes. And sometimes, the rewards are immediate. I am very easily distracted but if someone asks you for 'cold-ice-freezy-water' six times then it is harder to get derailed. So what was I saying?? Oh right, goals!

-I would love to have advertisers

-I would live to have our own web address (sorry blogspot!)

-I would like to have sections.....maybe a prayer request corner, or maybe pictures (probably not since Lin and I are fighting to see who can be the worst family historian in history), a 'parents share advice corner' would be great.....stop laughing! I did not say parenting advice from me!! I said 'parent share'. Maybe share recipes?

Anyway, I am not saying that I do anything to make these ideas come to life, just that they float around in my head waiting for my assistant to take care if them. HA! Hold your breath, people! On second thought don't, if you are reading this I automatically like you so please don't hold your breath. :0)

The point is, I am throwing out a piece of valuable advice today. I started an iron supplement this week and the package said 'Iron overdose is the leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6'. Did you know that? I did not! This may not be meaningful information for some of you but it made me sit up and take notice. Do any of you know how many times I have called Poison Control in the last year-18 months? Want to guess? Well it's enough that the last time I called I felt compelled to ask them if they keep track of how many calls came from each household. She promised me they don't keep track. Take That CPS!! More valuable info from me to you!

Lin and I gave it some thought and I think it's been 4 or maybe 5.

-Large ate an entire bottle of Hylands Teething Tablets (apparently you can eat these until the cows come home without any effects).

-Medium ate most of a tube of toothpaste (they seemed concerned about this). They told me to make her drink milk and that she would probably throw up.

-Medium got into a sample bottle of Zyrtec and a couple of Tylenol chewables (no big deal--to the poison control people)

-One time Lin and I both gave one of the kids a dose of some medicine within an hour of each other. Because I am a GOOD mom I can not remember which kid or what medication. Probably Large with some sort of prescription cold medication.

-There might have been one more...or maybe not! I thought I was going to have to call again today after I spotted Small chewing on an unknown object while we were in Large's class at school. I raced over to do a finger sweep but it was long gone. He was hangin out in the book corner...lets hope it was some paper. Good thing he is our third baby, it takes ALOT to make us panic now. Sorry Baby Boy!!!

The good news is poison control doesn't keep track and everyone is still alive and dust bunnies are non-toxic.

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