Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tiger Moms? Gggggrrrrrr!!!

I read this article that one of my friends put on facebook.....omg.....if you have ever feel guilty for yelling at your kids, READ THIS. If you have kids or think you might have kids, read this If you already raised a kid or you think kids are kind of cute-read this. Cuz I want to see all the funny letters you type when your jaw drops onto the keyboard!


Whoa!!! Anytime I feel like a bad Mom I am going to break out that little gem! One of the most interesting parts was in the comment section. Some of the people were not even horrified, she had plenty of supporters. So you know me....I start thinking about it. Is there any truth to this idea? Should I waste my money on this book? What are the girls like now? Are all those hugs I've been giving out turning the penguins into lazy slugs? The only thing I can figure is her babies necks must not smell as good as my babies necks. Could I really ever reject a card hand-made by one of my sweeties? I don't think I have it in me. Sorry, kids I don't think your Mom can be a tiger. But that's not to say I totally reject the idea. Are there any tiger moms out there? Should I be busy googling 'tiger mom blog'? I would love to hear your thoughts on this, folks. Now excuse me while I go hug and kiss and praise my children.....alot.

1 comment:

  1. I watched Tiger mom on the morning news and she was a twit. I know we do not understand her culture, but I was disturbed by some of the things she said and did.
    On the flipside, I watched the news a few days later and a doctor who wrote the book Red Flag, Red Herring, had the total opposite opinion. You can read her interview on Good Morning America. And I say keep the kisses and hugs coming and may your fridge be covered with your child's art!!!:)
    Cousin Donna
