Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fun Friday's Random Rants

Well I was going to do something new and exciting since I have not written in so many days but I am too lame and I don't have much time before Small and I have to pic up Medium from school. Soooooo here goes!

1. I LOVE my new job but it is really cutting into my writing time! I used to write during nap-time and now I work during naps. I don't miss my 'lunch break' nearly as much as I thought I would and I am getting along fine without any naps. *gasp* But I am missing writing much more than I anticipated. FYI-- I DO NOT miss all the extra time I had to do laundry! HA!

2. Small has decided he will sleep through the night...most of the time! YAY!!! Now how many months can I tell Lin I am still 'catching up from the trauma' ? I could totally identify with Lexi on Grey's last night.

3. Speaking of sleeping.....we are still working on the 'musical beds/rooms' situation we have here at the Animal House. We think we are back to the idea of letting the girls share a room. Medium has been getting up earlier since moving to her toddler bed. Boo hoo hoo, she was our champion sleeper. Thoughts, anyone? Would especially love to hear from some of you that have 5 kids without a 6 bedroom house.

4. LOVING what God is doing in my life these days.....seeing the results of my obedience is incredible, inspiring, awesome!

5. Need prayers for friends and family that are going through some stuff. <3

6. I said the craziest thing to my lovely preggers SIL the other day. She said, 'I am fallling in love with my new baby (or something like that..)' . And I said, 'Oh my gosh just wait until you smell his/her sweet little fat neck.' HA is that nutty or what? I have issues, bigtime. I don't go a day without sniffing Medium's yummy neck.

7. Would it be so wrong to take a bath in pizza from Frank's and then Krispy Kreme doughnuts?

8. My computer screen is doing some wacky stuff. Bummer.

9. Medium went to school today with an arm full of silly bandz (scented ones btw that are SUPER smelly, NOT in the good way!!!) and I realized when we got home that she did not have them. Hey Mrs. Zambito- thanks for taking the only leverage I have against Med. Yes, I use silly bandz to punish my 2 year old.....I know you are impressed by my stellar parenting. Just kidding Mrs. Z who knows what happened to those stinky things!

10. My sweet darling Large has given up her 'buddies' (aka pacifiers) , friends! Maybe I already mentioned this? Anyway, she is doing great. She seems more confident, not getting up in the night, not napping but having a nice quiet time everyday. It's really cool, we should have done this long ago.

I hope you guys are all doing well! If there is anyway that I can pray for you I would LOVE the chance to do that. You can leave your requests in the comment section or email me here.

Have a GREAT weekend!!!

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