Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Death to a Barbie

This story is told through the eyes of Holly's Husband Lin (yes I do have a name)

Growing up I was surrounded by guys, myself, my 2 younger brothers, my father and then there was the all boys high school. So needless to say, growing up in my house, you had a better chance of actually seeing a "no see em" when you camp than a Barbie, My Little Pony, anything pink or anything with long enough hair that you can comb (and if you don't know what a "no see em" is.... go camping). So, when Medium came running to me with Barbie parts yelling, "Large broke my Barbie Daddy," I really wanted to laugh, but had to pull the DAD face out and try to fix it. Being a man, I tried to fix it, but when I realized that it wasn't fixable due to some strange parts, I thought.... hmmmmm.... picture time, so without further ado..... here is BARBIE!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh No! I think that is the Barbie I gave her for Christmas! Uh Oh:)
