Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Death to a Barbie

This story is told through the eyes of Holly's Husband Lin (yes I do have a name)

Growing up I was surrounded by guys, myself, my 2 younger brothers, my father and then there was the all boys high school. So needless to say, growing up in my house, you had a better chance of actually seeing a "no see em" when you camp than a Barbie, My Little Pony, anything pink or anything with long enough hair that you can comb (and if you don't know what a "no see em" is.... go camping). So, when Medium came running to me with Barbie parts yelling, "Large broke my Barbie Daddy," I really wanted to laugh, but had to pull the DAD face out and try to fix it. Being a man, I tried to fix it, but when I realized that it wasn't fixable due to some strange parts, I thought.... hmmmmm.... picture time, so without further ado..... here is BARBIE!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Love Letters.....Kinda Sorta

Dear Flu Mist,
I'm pretty sure you SUCK and by suck I mean don't work at all!

Dear TamaFlu,
I am pretty sure you don't suck, Large looks like a new little lady.

Dear Medium,
No, Small can not be your horse. Not even your horsey.

Dear Day Light Savings Time,
I dig you man, the penguins have slept past 630 everyday since you started!

Dear Large,
Congrats on losing your first tooth, Baby!! Too bad your Dad and I tore the house apart and we still can't find it. I'm glad you were not freaked out by the fact that you may have swallowed it. I'm also a little glad that you WERE freaked out about the idea of a strange lady sneaking into your room while you slept. But I am the most glad, elated even, that you offfered to share two of your 'moneys' with Medium. You melt my heart.

Dear Warm Weather,
Will you please come back, I really miss you!

Dear KT and SR,
Will you please please come back, I REALLY REALLY miss you. :-)

Dear Dr T@@@@ and Associates,
I like you guys very much, you know I do. But I hope its a looooong time before I see you again. 4 trips to the pediatrician in 2 weeks is way too many.

Dear Germs of Any Kind,
Get the HECK outta my house/children/face!!! Seriously, don't make me.......

Dear Sweet Hubby, (and my heroic contact lens rescuer)
I <3 U!!!

Love Always (except you Germs!), Holly/Mama

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cranky Pants in the Hooouuuuse.

I am feeling cranky today. Shouldn't I be all chipper since it's Friday? Perhaps I've grown tired of swimming in the sea of snotty tissues that is my house. Another day of Lysol and albuterol might just cause my brain to blow up. Since I don't feel like putting sentences together I am gonna list it out today.

Things I Am Tired Of:
1. expensive gas
2. crying children
3. sneezing, coughing, runny noses
4. rectal thermometers (it's the only kind I have) and fevers

When Large gets her temp checked at the doctor she likes to totally humiliate me by saying to the nurse, "At least you don't have to put it on my fanny!" Poor poor poor penguins.

5. being stuck in the house
6. not eating pizza and really wanting to eat pizza
7. not having the time or the motivation to work out
8. 'tag-team' breaks instead of dates with my sweetie
9. 2 weeks of Grey's Anatomy reruns
10. having thin hair

I Am Glad I Am NOT:
1. single or without any support system
2. flat broke...I am fluffy broke :D
3. a person who isn't friends with Melissa....she's FAB

She gave me a copy of the Message this week. I really really love it. If you have a hard time committing to reading your bible (like I do) you should DEF check out the Message. How very thoughtful and sweet of her. Love you girl!!

4. sick along with my children

I like to picture myself as Wonder Woman (NOT in under-roos!) when it comes to germs. It's amazing how rarely I get sick since I hang out with those germy penguins all day. You know what that means...I'll be on here next week cryin' about how sick I am!

5. the victim of a tsunami or an earthquake
6. without God

Don't let all my complaining get you down! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What a smart little blog!

My blog is smarter than me, I guess! I worked on a post for two weeks and I finally finished it buuuut when I posted it ended up behind that last chronological order. Ok blogging do I fix that? Or I guess y'all could just scroll down. Either way check out 'Oh Happy Day'.