Monday, February 14, 2011

If You Can't Beat 'Em....Join 'Em!

The penguins and I went out of town this weekend so my STUD could do some painting and projects around the house. I came home to some beautifully painted rooms and a new bedroom and bathroom!!! I know your jealous, he's cute and handy. Soooooo after my blog post about the shower caddy incident which you can read http:// (here) one would have thought that my man would have been super attentive to the height of all things hung. Well think again. In our new bathroom we have a new vanity, fixins, and two freshly painted cabinets. One formerly white and one formerly light brown. Now both espresso to match the vanity. And hung up WAY TOO HIGH! Are you kidding me? Seriously? Am I talking to a wall here? I walked into the bathroom and Lin is showing me around and telling me where everything has been moved. I am thinking 'really'??? I can't even reach these. He kindly placed all my hair clips in drawers that are OVER MY HEAD. I literally have to take the drawers out to get to my hair clips. If you are reading this honey, I really do love and appreciate all the hard you work you did. I would never pick on you about it if I hadn't just written a post (that I know you read) about this very topic last week. :-) So the best I can figure is one of two things is happening here. Either Lin is planning to surprise me tonight with one of those fancy stools with my name cut out in puzzle pieces. Or He hangs everything too high hoping that I will walk around the house wearing 4 inch heals all the time. I would considers 4 inch heeled slippers but I can't carry Small when I am wearing such high shoes. And I would be devastated if I had to take him to the er and tell them I broke his finger with my stilettos when he was speed crawling under my feet. CPS would love that one, 'Sorry Small, your Mom is a street walker.' Anyway.....

Hope you all have a lovely week and beautiful Valentine's Day. Please remember there are lots of different kinds of love out there. All are important and need to be nurtured. No matter where you are in your journey God wants to be in your heart. Always. No Matter What.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you would look hot in stilettos. Maybe we can have high heel day and snag all of the hard-to-reach items. Then, we can build and mount drawers at shin level. After banging his shins a few times, Lin might reconsider. :)
