Thursday, November 11, 2010


Holly, myself and our small group and PCC have been talking about the book called "Wild Goose Chase". Wild Goose Chase is a book about the cages we put ourselves in throughout or lives that prevent us from chasing the Holy Spirit. The Celtics referred to the Holy Spirit as the "Wild Goose" thousands of years ago.
So in the last 6 weeks I have come to realize maybe I have more than one cage that I am in, and last night I found out that fear was one of them. I am outa town alot for work, sit in restaurants alone alot. Every so often I will end up sitting next to someone and striking up a conversation on occasion. Last night I met a very intriguing gentleman named Gene. Gene and I talked for about 30 to 40 mins about everything from grand kids (which he has) to sports, business and religion. It was tough to here Gene over the loud music that these places have decided to play blasting your ears out while your trying to eat... sheesh..... but I got alot from the conversation, there was alot of smiling, laughing and some silence. But at the end of the conversation, I paid my bill, turned to Gene, shook his hand, smiled and told him that it has been a pleasure talking with him. And without even thinking, I said something that I never ever thought would come from my mouth in a non church environment. "Gene, before I leave, is there anything that I can pray about for you tonight?" Gene's face lit up, smiled and said "yes, actually there is, My wife had a stroke, before the stroke she was the smarter of the two of us. Now, since the stroke she has a tough time with everyday things, she has a tough time dealing with things when I am out on the road. I am lucky enough that we have neighbors that help alot, but if you could pray for her health and safety that would be great."
Without even thinking, I stepped out of my cage, no fear. At least for that moment in time. And it felt great. I get a rush when I mountain bike race, or when I would score a goal in soccer... but nothing like how I felt as I walked out of that restaurant last night...

Thank you God.....


  1. Lin,

    Let me make a confession to you. I do it with some level of apprehension, but I think it might help with the full effect of this moment.

    Tonight, I'm really struggling with some things. They're heavy...spiritual. So, I'm sort of crying out to God, looking for a healthy way to deal with some painful and powerful emotions going on inside of me. I decide to go for the 'distraction' method of anxiety management, and I check my email. I open my inbox and at the top is an email from Beth, telling me to read your blog.

    What I want you to know is that the ramifications of your story didn't just impact Gene, they directly and dramatically helped me, too. The ripple effect from your new life in Jesus Christ is reaching far and wide...and I'm impacted in ways you just can't imagine by your story. Right this moment. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that God spoke to me through you tonight.

    You are becoming the man and the Christ Follower that God called you to be, and it is a deep and profound joy to watch it happen.

    Thank you for writing and sharing your story!

  2. Wow! That's my son-in-law! I love you and am very proud of you.

  3. Awesome and Fabulous and Wonderful and Fabulous !

    Lin you make me proud to call brother !

