A House where kids out number the parents, and the parents STILL think they are in charge
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tug of War
I have not wanted to admit this but I am very grouchy this Christmas season...maybe some of you already noticed! ;-) I know plenty of people who are usually crabby around this time of year, I will admit the hustle and bustle is not for everyone. But that usually never bothers me, I love the busy and the parties and the shopping (by far my favorite part!) and the decorating and especially the music. I try not to be over-the-top, obnoxiously happy (ahem-LIN :) however it is normally pretty hard to get me in a bad mood at Christmas. This year something is different for me and I don't like it! As I admit this to you the weight of the guilt as I say the words is so heavy I am worried I won't be able to get out of the chair I am sitting in. I have NO reason to be grumpy. I am so blessed. So so so so very lucky and blessed...and I know that, I really do. But still somehow I can't shake this feeling of constant stress and being stretched too thin. Too thin..ha ha ha wouldn't that be a nice change since my answer to stress is to eat more cookies. I have been praying about it alot and so I thought maybe to admit it out loud to millions of (or maybe just 7) people would help to get it off my chest. Sadly now I can feel you all staring at the screen and yelling, "Get with it lady! You should be thrilled about how lucky you are!!". Geez, you guys are harsh! Just kidding, lovely friends. Is is possible to feel blessed and completely stressed out at the same time? Doesn't seem like you have mastered counting your blessings if you are sweating your to-do list at the same time. My heart feels like poor Toddler Baby when Large is trying to get under Mediums skin. Her favorite trick is to grab Toddler Baby and dangle her in front of Medium until a frantic tug-of-war begins while Med screams and Large sports her sinister smile. It's awesome. Don't stop reading in order to google Toddler Baby; that is one of Medium's 'guys'. He/She (jury is out on the gender) never wears clothes and I'm pretty sure I got him at the dollar spot last Christmas. He's not an official brand; Toddler Baby, is just what Medium named him/her. Feel free to giggle. Anyway, so what do you do here at the Animal House when you are feeling blue? We like to blame Small. I know he seems so innocent but nobody was grumpy for Christmas until he came along! I tell myself I could manage everything anything until I had a third baby. Luckily for Small-man it's not really true and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Even if that means I have to be buried under a mound of unwrapped presents (the official count for how many I have had to rewrap(thanks to the girls) is 4) for the next couple days. Have a very Merry Christmas dear readers!!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Winter Follies
Is it even actually winter, yet? I don't think so. Lots going on here at the Animal House, we are pretty busy on a normal day so this time of year is extra crazy. Good crazy, but still crazy. You know what would really round out a nice hectic week? Stitches. Mama needs a good curve ball...or two. Losing Small might spice things up a little too. Awesome.
It was only for a second but now I know what it feels like to have the air sucked out of your lungs. I was really hoping I would get to experience that feeling at least once in my life. Not really. I was loading up the van, and Small was all bundled up in his carseat. Bear in mind that carseat + baby = about 43 pounds. So it can't be picked up and moved by a child...or can it?! I put him in the living room to the right, on the other side of the sofa. Where are the girls at this time, you ask? Not sure, playing, singing, plotting a terrorist attack....it's anyone's guess. They should be getting their coats on waiting patiently for me to load the van. Anyway, I come back in from taking stuff to the van and I look to the right of the sofa....no Small. *GASP* All is quiet, I hear nothing except maybe some faint giggling. I take three steps into the living room and peak around into the kitchen when I hear a little whimper. I whip around and look down the hall (to the left of the front entrance) and there is my poor sweet Small parked in front of his bedroom door. This next part really needs an illustration or some hand motions so bear with me. Picture an infant carrier in your mind. It's shaped like a C that lays on it's back, right? Well imagine how sad Small might be if he were sitting in his seat as if he was halfway thru riding the Battering Ram at Kings Dominion. If the C were lying on it's back, that's normal but turn the C upside down and that was Small. Not face down but with his fanny and legs up in the air. HOW did he get there, you are wondering? The world may never know. But for now, he is safe and I can breathe again.
So I go to school for Large's Christmas party on Wed and Medium's sweet teacher Ms. Z knocks on the door saying, "I think you need to take a look at this." Oh no, that is never good. I can see a very bloody band-aid on her chin. "I felled at school, Mommy!" Medium tells me. She doesn't look fazed in the least. I check out her sweet little fat chin and it does have a nice little split in it. She goes off to finish music time while I gather up all their things and figure out my next move. My pediatrician does not do stitches or glue so I say to myself Patient First or St Mary's Peds ER? I know you are probably all screaming at the computer "Peds ER!!!!". Too bad you weren't there. It is 11:30am now. I have to go to work, I have to leave my house at 2:10. My bosses are very understanding people but the bottom line is if I don't go to work I don't get paid. C'mon people, it's Christmas!!! So I call Patient First and say, can you handle a 2 1/2 year old who needs stitches, really? REALLY? And the very nice nurse assures me that they can. So I go on over to PF instead of skipping out on work and going to the er or KidMed (a kiddie version of pf that is farther away and does not open until 3pm--drat). I have a real hesitation about this decision but I am trying not to be the spastic mother that I normally am. While I am on the subject of bad decisions...I do not stop to get them any lunch. THANK HEAVENS Small was already at home with my Dad ('cause I was going to the class party). I'll skip over the waiting room adventure and the emergency snack delivery (thanks so much AJ). The tech who got us settled in seemed ok, he was good with the girls. Medium is not particularly skittish unless there are animals involved or she just decides to be. I thought Large might freak a little but he distracted her with a My Little Pony coloring book. They don't do glue at pf so I was little nervous/leery/sad about that but I soldiered on. They numbed Med's chin (with a gel not a shot thankfully) and she is hanging in there no problem until two things happened: they told her she had to stop eating her 'printzels' (aka- pretzels) and the 'Dr' covered her face with a drape. There was a hole cut out for her chin...I guess she needed a sterile field? So Medium is screaming and crying "I can't see, I can't see!!!". The doc keeps saying (in her heavy middle eastern accent) "Stop crying, be still..... stop crying, be still" I'm starting to think...this is not going to be good. Until finally I say 'she's 2, she probably won't stop crying or be still'. So she goes to make the first stitch and her hand are SHAKING!!! Not just a little tremble, I mean like a full on shake. I wanted to scream STOOOOOPPP, and run right out of there. But a little part of me is still saying 'your just being spastic...everything will be fine!'. So instead of running I held my baby girl as tight as I could and I prayed. 3 stitches later we were all still in one piece (technically 4 stitches because the good doctor had to redo the first one). That was painful for my heart. I am not sure about that numbing gel but I know my baby SCREAMED every time that fish hook thingy went in. They take off the drape, Medium recovers and on the way out the Dr says, "Come back on Mon so I can take out the stitches." Yeah, sure lady, count on it. I am sure most of you have been there before I guess Meds is just getting me ready for what Small has in store for me. Wish me luck!
It was only for a second but now I know what it feels like to have the air sucked out of your lungs. I was really hoping I would get to experience that feeling at least once in my life. Not really. I was loading up the van, and Small was all bundled up in his carseat. Bear in mind that carseat + baby = about 43 pounds. So it can't be picked up and moved by a child...or can it?! I put him in the living room to the right, on the other side of the sofa. Where are the girls at this time, you ask? Not sure, playing, singing, plotting a terrorist attack....it's anyone's guess. They should be getting their coats on waiting patiently for me to load the van. Anyway, I come back in from taking stuff to the van and I look to the right of the sofa....no Small. *GASP* All is quiet, I hear nothing except maybe some faint giggling. I take three steps into the living room and peak around into the kitchen when I hear a little whimper. I whip around and look down the hall (to the left of the front entrance) and there is my poor sweet Small parked in front of his bedroom door. This next part really needs an illustration or some hand motions so bear with me. Picture an infant carrier in your mind. It's shaped like a C that lays on it's back, right? Well imagine how sad Small might be if he were sitting in his seat as if he was halfway thru riding the Battering Ram at Kings Dominion. If the C were lying on it's back, that's normal but turn the C upside down and that was Small. Not face down but with his fanny and legs up in the air. HOW did he get there, you are wondering? The world may never know. But for now, he is safe and I can breathe again.
So I go to school for Large's Christmas party on Wed and Medium's sweet teacher Ms. Z knocks on the door saying, "I think you need to take a look at this." Oh no, that is never good. I can see a very bloody band-aid on her chin. "I felled at school, Mommy!" Medium tells me. She doesn't look fazed in the least. I check out her sweet little fat chin and it does have a nice little split in it. She goes off to finish music time while I gather up all their things and figure out my next move. My pediatrician does not do stitches or glue so I say to myself Patient First or St Mary's Peds ER? I know you are probably all screaming at the computer "Peds ER!!!!". Too bad you weren't there. It is 11:30am now. I have to go to work, I have to leave my house at 2:10. My bosses are very understanding people but the bottom line is if I don't go to work I don't get paid. C'mon people, it's Christmas!!! So I call Patient First and say, can you handle a 2 1/2 year old who needs stitches, really? REALLY? And the very nice nurse assures me that they can. So I go on over to PF instead of skipping out on work and going to the er or KidMed (a kiddie version of pf that is farther away and does not open until 3pm--drat). I have a real hesitation about this decision but I am trying not to be the spastic mother that I normally am. While I am on the subject of bad decisions...I do not stop to get them any lunch. THANK HEAVENS Small was already at home with my Dad ('cause I was going to the class party). I'll skip over the waiting room adventure and the emergency snack delivery (thanks so much AJ). The tech who got us settled in seemed ok, he was good with the girls. Medium is not particularly skittish unless there are animals involved or she just decides to be. I thought Large might freak a little but he distracted her with a My Little Pony coloring book. They don't do glue at pf so I was little nervous/leery/sad about that but I soldiered on. They numbed Med's chin (with a gel not a shot thankfully) and she is hanging in there no problem until two things happened: they told her she had to stop eating her 'printzels' (aka- pretzels) and the 'Dr' covered her face with a drape. There was a hole cut out for her chin...I guess she needed a sterile field? So Medium is screaming and crying "I can't see, I can't see!!!". The doc keeps saying (in her heavy middle eastern accent) "Stop crying, be still..... stop crying, be still" I'm starting to think...this is not going to be good. Until finally I say 'she's 2, she probably won't stop crying or be still'. So she goes to make the first stitch and her hand are SHAKING!!! Not just a little tremble, I mean like a full on shake. I wanted to scream STOOOOOPPP, and run right out of there. But a little part of me is still saying 'your just being spastic...everything will be fine!'. So instead of running I held my baby girl as tight as I could and I prayed. 3 stitches later we were all still in one piece (technically 4 stitches because the good doctor had to redo the first one). That was painful for my heart. I am not sure about that numbing gel but I know my baby SCREAMED every time that fish hook thingy went in. They take off the drape, Medium recovers and on the way out the Dr says, "Come back on Mon so I can take out the stitches." Yeah, sure lady, count on it. I am sure most of you have been there before I guess Meds is just getting me ready for what Small has in store for me. Wish me luck!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Clark W. Griswold
Ok. so if you know me at all you will know that I am a nut when it comes to Christmas. From the music... and not that ol stuff they play on lite 98.... no no no, the good stuff from Frank, Dean, Sammy, Harry, THAT stuff... good Christmas music. I tend to play Christmas music all month long. I love the parties, the socializing, the presents and play Christmas movies all month long, usually it is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Sadly I know every line in the movie.... ok well the good lines, from either Clark, or Cousin Eddie. And I promise you... Holly, no matter what she says... LOVES IT. And lastly, if you were to drive by my house anytime between know and the first of the year you will see my house lit up like a redneck Vegas on crack. I take pride in how tacky, redneck and undone my house looks for this one month of the year. Each year my family will chip in and buy some new fixture for my house or yard. This year however I have gone and changed it up... I have made my new fixture. I would suggest you ride by and check it out, that is the only way you will get the full effect.
However Christmas is not just for awesome music, lights, eggnog, presents and the drunk uncle at every party. There is so much more to it. Lets be honest, between family, friends, and GOD, we have so much to be thankful for. Whether you are sitting high atop Church Hill in your million dollar mansion or you are sitting low in a bench in a park on a cold night, you have GOD, and what more could you want. I know that is so easy for me to say sitting in my warm house, with 3 wonderful kids and a GORGEOUS (brownie points) wife, but no matter where you are or your circumstances, there is God. And no matter how big the present, how much you drink or how loud you get. THAT is what you need to be thankful for, for without him, we would not have the lights, the music, the eggnog, the drunkel (adj. meaning drunk uncle), or a warm home to sit in with watching that famous, awe inspiring National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Movie.
Enjoy the movie clip and photos from my house......
However Christmas is not just for awesome music, lights, eggnog, presents and the drunk uncle at every party. There is so much more to it. Lets be honest, between family, friends, and GOD, we have so much to be thankful for. Whether you are sitting high atop Church Hill in your million dollar mansion or you are sitting low in a bench in a park on a cold night, you have GOD, and what more could you want. I know that is so easy for me to say sitting in my warm house, with 3 wonderful kids and a GORGEOUS (brownie points) wife, but no matter where you are or your circumstances, there is God. And no matter how big the present, how much you drink or how loud you get. THAT is what you need to be thankful for, for without him, we would not have the lights, the music, the eggnog, the drunkel (adj. meaning drunk uncle), or a warm home to sit in with watching that famous, awe inspiring National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Movie.
Enjoy the movie clip and photos from my house......
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Things That Are Making Me Smile Right Now
1. Lin put up some of our Christmas lights and yard decorations this weekend and Medium is scared of the blow-up Santa and snowman. Every time I open the front door she says things like, "He not gonna come in here is he Momma??". It's a little sad...but funny too! ;-) I think we might need to call them the chickens instead of the penguins, they are scared of EVERYTHING (that part is not making me smile!!).
2. The BEST day of the year is coming up in just a few days!!!!!!!
3. It's 6:45pm and all the penguins/chickens are in bed.
4. I might have the sweetest. husband. ever. and perhaps the funniest (he has a new boyfriend). If you'd like to read a blog post about that let me know. ;-)
5. Large needs Medium to hold her hand every time I dry her (Large's) hair with the hairdryer. She's afraid of the hair dryer. When I said they are scared of everything, it's no joke; but to see Large turning to Medium for comfort makes my heart happy. From the cradle to the grave, people!!!
6. My small group, I love those cats!
7. Raising Hope. No Lin and I do not have a new baby!!! Raising Hope is a tv show that comes on Fox after Glee. It's funny, you should check it out at 9pm on Tuesdays.
8. Music. All music, any music. The songs on the radio, the Christmas songs I heard in wal-mart yesterday, the songs my kids sing, even the songs on Glee....they all make me smile.
9. My God and all the amazing work that I see He is doing everyday.
10. Sweating two days before Thanksgiving. I know it's unnatural and all that blah blah blah but the bottom line is I like warm weather and being able to let the babies play on the playground for 3 hours in short sleeves is fabulous (even if it is November)!
11. Tomorrow is going to be a good day and I am looking forward to it.
Happy Turkey Day my sweet readers!! Be Thankful!!
~ Holly
2. The BEST day of the year is coming up in just a few days!!!!!!!
3. It's 6:45pm and all the penguins/chickens are in bed.
4. I might have the sweetest. husband. ever. and perhaps the funniest (he has a new boyfriend). If you'd like to read a blog post about that let me know. ;-)
5. Large needs Medium to hold her hand every time I dry her (Large's) hair with the hairdryer. She's afraid of the hair dryer. When I said they are scared of everything, it's no joke; but to see Large turning to Medium for comfort makes my heart happy. From the cradle to the grave, people!!!
6. My small group, I love those cats!
7. Raising Hope. No Lin and I do not have a new baby!!! Raising Hope is a tv show that comes on Fox after Glee. It's funny, you should check it out at 9pm on Tuesdays.
8. Music. All music, any music. The songs on the radio, the Christmas songs I heard in wal-mart yesterday, the songs my kids sing, even the songs on Glee....they all make me smile.
9. My God and all the amazing work that I see He is doing everyday.
10. Sweating two days before Thanksgiving. I know it's unnatural and all that blah blah blah but the bottom line is I like warm weather and being able to let the babies play on the playground for 3 hours in short sleeves is fabulous (even if it is November)!
11. Tomorrow is going to be a good day and I am looking forward to it.
Happy Turkey Day my sweet readers!! Be Thankful!!
~ Holly
Friday, November 19, 2010
Freaky Friday Random Thoughts
It's been a while since I've written a random thoughts post.....they are my favorite posts to write, I think. :-)
1. So remember I got a fancy new phone a while back? Well now I have UNLIMITED texting!! Yes that's right I said unlimited; I am super excited about it. I know that is lame but I don't care.
2. Yes We Have No Bananas! That's because Medium keeps eating them all. When did she become obsessed with bananas? IDK (he he) but she will sneak them anytime you are not paying attention. Now, of all the crazy things that happen here at the Animal House eating 4 bananas in one day is not really that big of a deal....I guess.
3. Had to take sweet Large to the Dr yesterday and this was the report: ear infection, sinus infection, bronchitis and strep throat. DO WHAT? And if you are wondering yes we did bathe her in germs. We like to keep it interesting around here.
4. Would anyone care if I slept for 4 days straight? I am crazy tired today!
5. Small is getting even cuter (is that even possible?). He has started clapping his hands and it is adorable. He can also say 'bye-bye' , 'Large (he says her actual name!)' , 'ma-ma' and 'da-da'. Genius. My other favorite thing he does is scream and cry like crazy and then when you pick him up he stops immediately. Charming. Have you seen the commercial where the baby does that?
6. Any job where I can get paid while writing a blog post is pretty awesome.
7. The BEST day of the year is right around the corner, people!!!! I look forward to black friday all year long. It's my fave. Shopping, time with my girls, good deals....doesn't get much better than that!!
8. Terrible news-- the cookie dough did not come in and it won't be here until after Thanksgiving!! What will I bring to all those family gatherings? Maybe they'll take a penguin instead of cookies. In case you didn't know I have been selling cookie dough as a school fundraiser and even (got) volunteered to help with tallying....12 hours of my life I will never get back!!
Hope you have a great weekend, dear readers!!!!!
1. So remember I got a fancy new phone a while back? Well now I have UNLIMITED texting!! Yes that's right I said unlimited; I am super excited about it. I know that is lame but I don't care.
2. Yes We Have No Bananas! That's because Medium keeps eating them all. When did she become obsessed with bananas? IDK (he he) but she will sneak them anytime you are not paying attention. Now, of all the crazy things that happen here at the Animal House eating 4 bananas in one day is not really that big of a deal....I guess.
3. Had to take sweet Large to the Dr yesterday and this was the report: ear infection, sinus infection, bronchitis and strep throat. DO WHAT? And if you are wondering yes we did bathe her in germs. We like to keep it interesting around here.
4. Would anyone care if I slept for 4 days straight? I am crazy tired today!
5. Small is getting even cuter (is that even possible?). He has started clapping his hands and it is adorable. He can also say 'bye-bye' , 'Large (he says her actual name!)' , 'ma-ma' and 'da-da'. Genius. My other favorite thing he does is scream and cry like crazy and then when you pick him up he stops immediately. Charming. Have you seen the commercial where the baby does that?
6. Any job where I can get paid while writing a blog post is pretty awesome.
7. The BEST day of the year is right around the corner, people!!!! I look forward to black friday all year long. It's my fave. Shopping, time with my girls, good deals....doesn't get much better than that!!
8. Terrible news-- the cookie dough did not come in and it won't be here until after Thanksgiving!! What will I bring to all those family gatherings? Maybe they'll take a penguin instead of cookies. In case you didn't know I have been selling cookie dough as a school fundraiser and even (got) volunteered to help with tallying....12 hours of my life I will never get back!!
Hope you have a great weekend, dear readers!!!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Holly, myself and our small group and PCC have been talking about the book called "Wild Goose Chase". Wild Goose Chase is a book about the cages we put ourselves in throughout or lives that prevent us from chasing the Holy Spirit. The Celtics referred to the Holy Spirit as the "Wild Goose" thousands of years ago.
So in the last 6 weeks I have come to realize maybe I have more than one cage that I am in, and last night I found out that fear was one of them. I am outa town alot for work, sit in restaurants alone alot. Every so often I will end up sitting next to someone and striking up a conversation on occasion. Last night I met a very intriguing gentleman named Gene. Gene and I talked for about 30 to 40 mins about everything from grand kids (which he has) to sports, business and religion. It was tough to here Gene over the loud music that these places have decided to play blasting your ears out while your trying to eat... sheesh..... but I got alot from the conversation, there was alot of smiling, laughing and some silence. But at the end of the conversation, I paid my bill, turned to Gene, shook his hand, smiled and told him that it has been a pleasure talking with him. And without even thinking, I said something that I never ever thought would come from my mouth in a non church environment. "Gene, before I leave, is there anything that I can pray about for you tonight?" Gene's face lit up, smiled and said "yes, actually there is, My wife had a stroke, before the stroke she was the smarter of the two of us. Now, since the stroke she has a tough time with everyday things, she has a tough time dealing with things when I am out on the road. I am lucky enough that we have neighbors that help alot, but if you could pray for her health and safety that would be great."
Without even thinking, I stepped out of my cage, no fear. At least for that moment in time. And it felt great. I get a rush when I mountain bike race, or when I would score a goal in soccer... but nothing like how I felt as I walked out of that restaurant last night...
Thank you God.....
So in the last 6 weeks I have come to realize maybe I have more than one cage that I am in, and last night I found out that fear was one of them. I am outa town alot for work, sit in restaurants alone alot. Every so often I will end up sitting next to someone and striking up a conversation on occasion. Last night I met a very intriguing gentleman named Gene. Gene and I talked for about 30 to 40 mins about everything from grand kids (which he has) to sports, business and religion. It was tough to here Gene over the loud music that these places have decided to play blasting your ears out while your trying to eat... sheesh..... but I got alot from the conversation, there was alot of smiling, laughing and some silence. But at the end of the conversation, I paid my bill, turned to Gene, shook his hand, smiled and told him that it has been a pleasure talking with him. And without even thinking, I said something that I never ever thought would come from my mouth in a non church environment. "Gene, before I leave, is there anything that I can pray about for you tonight?" Gene's face lit up, smiled and said "yes, actually there is, My wife had a stroke, before the stroke she was the smarter of the two of us. Now, since the stroke she has a tough time with everyday things, she has a tough time dealing with things when I am out on the road. I am lucky enough that we have neighbors that help alot, but if you could pray for her health and safety that would be great."
Without even thinking, I stepped out of my cage, no fear. At least for that moment in time. And it felt great. I get a rush when I mountain bike race, or when I would score a goal in soccer... but nothing like how I felt as I walked out of that restaurant last night...
Thank you God.....
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Better Late Than Never
Is it sad that I feel the need to start every post with "Oh how I have missed you, blog; or Oh how I have missed you dear readers!" ? Why yes it is sad, but here I am! There are a couple of reasons for my long absence.
1. The neighbor that I was 'borrowing' internet from finally wised up and blocked me (actually I believe it is broken or turned off or in transition...). I was tempted to ask him about it when we went by to trick-or-treat with the penguins the other night. But I thought it seemed tacky to say, 'Hey-can we have some candy AND some internet???' Maybe next year.
2. My new (and lovely) job cuts into the amount of time I get to spend lounging around with my cup of coffee strolling all over cyber-space while the penguins play 'tornado' (I named that game according to how my house looks when they are done) or 'give small a bath' or 'tea party'.
It actually works out pretty well since I have no connection at home (for now) anyway. Lin is pleased since it gives me more time to finish the laundry. Ha ha ha ha ha, I just wanted to make my baby laugh, y'all! I had to swim out of the ocean of laundry just to get to work this morning. :-) I know what you are all thinking, ooohh new job? Where is she working? I was lucky enough to land a nanny position for a sweet family with a 10yo and an almost 15yo. It is mostly taxi driving and homework help which is a very nice break since I change 12-15 diapers/pull-ups on an average day. We are SO lucky that our family covers most of our child-care and some days they nap while I am gone all 3 hours. That makes me feel like I am not missing too much. I still struggle, though. Am I doing the right thing? Am I letting them have the chance to bond with someone besides me or abandoning my poor sweet penguins? Well the bill collectors are very happy....so that's good news!
What else is happening around the Animal House? The usual fall stuff: apple festival at graves mountain, trick or treating, Lin and I had a fun little get-away to Lake Anna, Small is sitting up by himself but not crawling ...yet, he is drooling constantly (there is nothing I love more than a bib shaped wet spot on the shirt of a sweet, fat baby), Medium LOVES preschool, Large....well not so much! She is a little resistant to school, to my job, to going to bed, to sharing, to pretty much anything that wasn't her idea or doesn't involve candy. If I was super organized I would throw in some cute fall pictures here- so sorry, I am not! But I do love you dear readers and I'll be back....someday! :-)
1. The neighbor that I was 'borrowing' internet from finally wised up and blocked me (actually I believe it is broken or turned off or in transition...). I was tempted to ask him about it when we went by to trick-or-treat with the penguins the other night. But I thought it seemed tacky to say, 'Hey-can we have some candy AND some internet???' Maybe next year.
2. My new (and lovely) job cuts into the amount of time I get to spend lounging around with my cup of coffee strolling all over cyber-space while the penguins play 'tornado' (I named that game according to how my house looks when they are done) or 'give small a bath' or 'tea party'.
It actually works out pretty well since I have no connection at home (for now) anyway. Lin is pleased since it gives me more time to finish the laundry. Ha ha ha ha ha, I just wanted to make my baby laugh, y'all! I had to swim out of the ocean of laundry just to get to work this morning. :-) I know what you are all thinking, ooohh new job? Where is she working? I was lucky enough to land a nanny position for a sweet family with a 10yo and an almost 15yo. It is mostly taxi driving and homework help which is a very nice break since I change 12-15 diapers/pull-ups on an average day. We are SO lucky that our family covers most of our child-care and some days they nap while I am gone all 3 hours. That makes me feel like I am not missing too much. I still struggle, though. Am I doing the right thing? Am I letting them have the chance to bond with someone besides me or abandoning my poor sweet penguins? Well the bill collectors are very happy....so that's good news!
What else is happening around the Animal House? The usual fall stuff: apple festival at graves mountain, trick or treating, Lin and I had a fun little get-away to Lake Anna, Small is sitting up by himself but not crawling ...yet, he is drooling constantly (there is nothing I love more than a bib shaped wet spot on the shirt of a sweet, fat baby), Medium LOVES preschool, Large....well not so much! She is a little resistant to school, to my job, to going to bed, to sharing, to pretty much anything that wasn't her idea or doesn't involve candy. If I was super organized I would throw in some cute fall pictures here- so sorry, I am not! But I do love you dear readers and I'll be back....someday! :-)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
You know what they say....babies are so resilient.
Who really says that anyway? I suppose someone does. Well it is true here at the Animal House! Whenever I tell these stories to people invariably what follows is, "Awww poor Small!" Those words have never been truer.
Because of our indecisiveness about the room sharing and his refusal to sleep through the night my dear Small was STILL sleeping in his bassinet. I heard him stirring so I was gathering up a diaper and some clothes to start the day when I heard a THUD and then a sad sad cry. Oh it broke my heart! Hopefully someone out there knows what I mean.... Anyway so I ran into the room and scooped him up in my arms and he immediately stopped crying and looked at me as if to say 'oh hey Mom'. He seemed fine but I kept an eye on him and made sure to give him some extra tlc. The bassinet is now living at Auntie Kristy and Uncle Before you gasp at my parenting skills and run off to look up the number for child protective services listen to this.
A mere 5 days later I was washing up some dishes Small was in his highchair while Large and Medium were playing in the playroom. Medium came in and grabbed the tray of the highchair and lifted up her feet forgetting she was penguin and not a monkey. Of course I said 'Meds please stop! You can't do that, sweetie, you'll break the highchair'. So she moved her party to the side of the highchair. She was standing on a bar that is near the bottom on the side of the highchair. As I am screaming Medium(!!!!) you guessed it, it falls right over. She sort of rolled out of the way so it did not totally fall on top of her. But poor poor Small he was strapped in just hanging kinda sideways going 'what the heck are you letting them do to me Mom???' . So I pick it back up and get him out to inspect the damage. He's screaming, she's screaming, even large joined in on the crying! Why not, right? Oh poor Small, there really isn't anything else to say.
They are all fine....for now! Hopefully they will all make it to their next birthdays in one piece and still be allowed to live with their Mom.
Because of our indecisiveness about the room sharing and his refusal to sleep through the night my dear Small was STILL sleeping in his bassinet. I heard him stirring so I was gathering up a diaper and some clothes to start the day when I heard a THUD and then a sad sad cry. Oh it broke my heart! Hopefully someone out there knows what I mean.... Anyway so I ran into the room and scooped him up in my arms and he immediately stopped crying and looked at me as if to say 'oh hey Mom'. He seemed fine but I kept an eye on him and made sure to give him some extra tlc. The bassinet is now living at Auntie Kristy and Uncle Before you gasp at my parenting skills and run off to look up the number for child protective services listen to this.
A mere 5 days later I was washing up some dishes Small was in his highchair while Large and Medium were playing in the playroom. Medium came in and grabbed the tray of the highchair and lifted up her feet forgetting she was penguin and not a monkey. Of course I said 'Meds please stop! You can't do that, sweetie, you'll break the highchair'. So she moved her party to the side of the highchair. She was standing on a bar that is near the bottom on the side of the highchair. As I am screaming Medium(!!!!) you guessed it, it falls right over. She sort of rolled out of the way so it did not totally fall on top of her. But poor poor Small he was strapped in just hanging kinda sideways going 'what the heck are you letting them do to me Mom???' . So I pick it back up and get him out to inspect the damage. He's screaming, she's screaming, even large joined in on the crying! Why not, right? Oh poor Small, there really isn't anything else to say.
They are all fine....for now! Hopefully they will all make it to their next birthdays in one piece and still be allowed to live with their Mom.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Fun Friday's Random Rants
Well I was going to do something new and exciting since I have not written in so many days but I am too lame and I don't have much time before Small and I have to pic up Medium from school. Soooooo here goes!
1. I LOVE my new job but it is really cutting into my writing time! I used to write during nap-time and now I work during naps. I don't miss my 'lunch break' nearly as much as I thought I would and I am getting along fine without any naps. *gasp* But I am missing writing much more than I anticipated. FYI-- I DO NOT miss all the extra time I had to do laundry! HA!
2. Small has decided he will sleep through the night...most of the time! YAY!!! Now how many months can I tell Lin I am still 'catching up from the trauma' ? I could totally identify with Lexi on Grey's last night.
3. Speaking of sleeping.....we are still working on the 'musical beds/rooms' situation we have here at the Animal House. We think we are back to the idea of letting the girls share a room. Medium has been getting up earlier since moving to her toddler bed. Boo hoo hoo, she was our champion sleeper. Thoughts, anyone? Would especially love to hear from some of you that have 5 kids without a 6 bedroom house.
4. LOVING what God is doing in my life these days.....seeing the results of my obedience is incredible, inspiring, awesome!
5. Need prayers for friends and family that are going through some stuff. <3
6. I said the craziest thing to my lovely preggers SIL the other day. She said, 'I am fallling in love with my new baby (or something like that..)' . And I said, 'Oh my gosh just wait until you smell his/her sweet little fat neck.' HA is that nutty or what? I have issues, bigtime. I don't go a day without sniffing Medium's yummy neck.
7. Would it be so wrong to take a bath in pizza from Frank's and then Krispy Kreme doughnuts?
8. My computer screen is doing some wacky stuff. Bummer.
9. Medium went to school today with an arm full of silly bandz (scented ones btw that are SUPER smelly, NOT in the good way!!!) and I realized when we got home that she did not have them. Hey Mrs. Zambito- thanks for taking the only leverage I have against Med. Yes, I use silly bandz to punish my 2 year old.....I know you are impressed by my stellar parenting. Just kidding Mrs. Z who knows what happened to those stinky things!
10. My sweet darling Large has given up her 'buddies' (aka pacifiers) , friends! Maybe I already mentioned this? Anyway, she is doing great. She seems more confident, not getting up in the night, not napping but having a nice quiet time everyday. It's really cool, we should have done this long ago.
I hope you guys are all doing well! If there is anyway that I can pray for you I would LOVE the chance to do that. You can leave your requests in the comment section or email me here.
Have a GREAT weekend!!!
1. I LOVE my new job but it is really cutting into my writing time! I used to write during nap-time and now I work during naps. I don't miss my 'lunch break' nearly as much as I thought I would and I am getting along fine without any naps. *gasp* But I am missing writing much more than I anticipated. FYI-- I DO NOT miss all the extra time I had to do laundry! HA!
2. Small has decided he will sleep through the night...most of the time! YAY!!! Now how many months can I tell Lin I am still 'catching up from the trauma' ? I could totally identify with Lexi on Grey's last night.
3. Speaking of sleeping.....we are still working on the 'musical beds/rooms' situation we have here at the Animal House. We think we are back to the idea of letting the girls share a room. Medium has been getting up earlier since moving to her toddler bed. Boo hoo hoo, she was our champion sleeper. Thoughts, anyone? Would especially love to hear from some of you that have 5 kids without a 6 bedroom house.
4. LOVING what God is doing in my life these days.....seeing the results of my obedience is incredible, inspiring, awesome!
5. Need prayers for friends and family that are going through some stuff. <3
6. I said the craziest thing to my lovely preggers SIL the other day. She said, 'I am fallling in love with my new baby (or something like that..)' . And I said, 'Oh my gosh just wait until you smell his/her sweet little fat neck.' HA is that nutty or what? I have issues, bigtime. I don't go a day without sniffing Medium's yummy neck.
7. Would it be so wrong to take a bath in pizza from Frank's and then Krispy Kreme doughnuts?
8. My computer screen is doing some wacky stuff. Bummer.
9. Medium went to school today with an arm full of silly bandz (scented ones btw that are SUPER smelly, NOT in the good way!!!) and I realized when we got home that she did not have them. Hey Mrs. Zambito- thanks for taking the only leverage I have against Med. Yes, I use silly bandz to punish my 2 year old.....I know you are impressed by my stellar parenting. Just kidding Mrs. Z who knows what happened to those stinky things!
10. My sweet darling Large has given up her 'buddies' (aka pacifiers) , friends! Maybe I already mentioned this? Anyway, she is doing great. She seems more confident, not getting up in the night, not napping but having a nice quiet time everyday. It's really cool, we should have done this long ago.
I hope you guys are all doing well! If there is anyway that I can pray for you I would LOVE the chance to do that. You can leave your requests in the comment section or email me here.
Have a GREAT weekend!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lets go Dancing
So this is an amazing song that explains alot about a marriage and love. This has been posted in a few other blogs that Holly and I follow. Holly and I have had our ups and downs in our marriage. I always thought that when someone got married they grew up and became a husband. I realized that being married doesnt make you a husband, you choose to make yourself a husband. I also found out that having kids doesnt make you grow up, you choose to grow up. Marriage and parenthood are the 2 toughest journeys that I have ever been on, but they are also the 2 most rewarding. I love the path that Holly and I have chosen to take, I love the place we are in, and I love the place we will end up together in our heaven. And I love being a father to our 3 wonderful kids!! Watch this video, and enjoy! It will touch you.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunny Sunday!
Oh Dear Blog, how I have missed you!!!! I am just bursting at the seams with stuff to say. Do you ever have that feeling, when there is so much to say you can't organize it into one small space/email/letter/conversation? That happens to me alot I guess I'll start with a run-down of what is happening here at the Animal House. And how 'bout I won't talk about poop, deal?
1. God is working here in our house. I am so excited that Lin and I are open and letting Him live with us and move in us and be present to guide us as we make decisions for this family. We are two very blessed and lucky people.
2. Large and Medium are starting pre-school this week! They seem thrilled, I am pretty sure I'm thrilled.... ask me next week. And would you like to buy some cookie dough (yes I am on the cookie dough fundraising committee!)?? It's super yummy and it made my Thanksgiving and Christmas baking and taking so easy last year. :-)
3. Have I mentioned how much I love my awesome organizer husband? Wipe the drool off the keyboard ladies, while we were down 2 penguins last night our idea of a hot date was getting rid of an entire trash can (the end-of-the-driveway-size!) full of clutter from our bedroom and playroom. Awesome.
We briefly considered tossing out the remaining penguin but he would not fit in the can! JUST KIDDING!!!!! We love those babies more than life itself!
4. Large gave up her 'buddies' last Friday. *gasp* If you know us- did you think we were ever gonna make her do that? If you don't know us- 'buddies' are penguin code for pacifiers. And Large is like 12....just teasing she's 4 but still!
5. Someday I will start a 'parenting advice' tab on this blog. Sure take advice from the lady who let her kid sleep with pacifiers until she was 4 and jokes about throwing out her baby!!! :-D Maybe a parents 'sharing corner' would be better.
6. Mamma got a new cell phone! It's fancy (for me). Double *gasp* ! Now some of y'all know my old cell phone was a Din-O-Saur. It was outdated when I bought it 3 years ago. And I am not really a technology kind of girl. However I did lose all my contacts...so call me, k?
7. My new job is awesome, the first week went really well. And God- You were right!! I am so thankful! (Don't act like God doesn't read my blog....snap!) ;-)
8. To go with her new cell phone Mamma got a wrist guard to help with the carpal tunnel. So it's like living with a 70 yo woman crazed from no sleep with a fancy new cell phone. YAY for Lin!!!!
9. Medium is obsessed with Silly Bandz....it's funny and cute and it feels too grown up.
10. I made crab dip last night to celebrate our clean-out. It was De-Lish. I totally <3 crab dip. So glad to be back! I'll try to keep up better since I am getting used to my new work/pre-school schedule. Love you Readers!!!!!
1. God is working here in our house. I am so excited that Lin and I are open and letting Him live with us and move in us and be present to guide us as we make decisions for this family. We are two very blessed and lucky people.
2. Large and Medium are starting pre-school this week! They seem thrilled, I am pretty sure I'm thrilled.... ask me next week. And would you like to buy some cookie dough (yes I am on the cookie dough fundraising committee!)?? It's super yummy and it made my Thanksgiving and Christmas baking and taking so easy last year. :-)
3. Have I mentioned how much I love my awesome organizer husband? Wipe the drool off the keyboard ladies, while we were down 2 penguins last night our idea of a hot date was getting rid of an entire trash can (the end-of-the-driveway-size!) full of clutter from our bedroom and playroom. Awesome.
We briefly considered tossing out the remaining penguin but he would not fit in the can! JUST KIDDING!!!!! We love those babies more than life itself!
4. Large gave up her 'buddies' last Friday. *gasp* If you know us- did you think we were ever gonna make her do that? If you don't know us- 'buddies' are penguin code for pacifiers. And Large is like 12....just teasing she's 4 but still!
5. Someday I will start a 'parenting advice' tab on this blog. Sure take advice from the lady who let her kid sleep with pacifiers until she was 4 and jokes about throwing out her baby!!! :-D Maybe a parents 'sharing corner' would be better.
6. Mamma got a new cell phone! It's fancy (for me). Double *gasp* ! Now some of y'all know my old cell phone was a Din-O-Saur. It was outdated when I bought it 3 years ago. And I am not really a technology kind of girl. However I did lose all my contacts...so call me, k?
7. My new job is awesome, the first week went really well. And God- You were right!! I am so thankful! (Don't act like God doesn't read my blog....snap!) ;-)
8. To go with her new cell phone Mamma got a wrist guard to help with the carpal tunnel. So it's like living with a 70 yo woman crazed from no sleep with a fancy new cell phone. YAY for Lin!!!!
9. Medium is obsessed with Silly Bandz....it's funny and cute and it feels too grown up.
10. I made crab dip last night to celebrate our clean-out. It was De-Lish. I totally <3 crab dip. So glad to be back! I'll try to keep up better since I am getting used to my new work/pre-school schedule. Love you Readers!!!!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Word to ya Motha (well actually word from your Mother....but whatever!)
I meant to do this yesterday but it was a very busy day and the time just slipped away. However these are not the words you want to let slip by without saying, so here goes!
My Dearest Large,
Today (really yesterday) you turned 4. Just like most Moms I can't believe how fast you have grown and I find myself thinking 'weren't you just born like 5 minutes ago?' . There are no words to describe how much I love you. Sometimes I think my heart is just going to bust open I love you so much. I am addicted to the smell of your neck and the inside of your arm and the sound of your voice (when you are not whining :). And speaking of your voice, you sing like an angel.... all the time. You sing in the car, to every commercial, all around the house that is one of my favorite things about you. You are a little shy these day but very loving, every time I leave the house you yell HUG, HUG. You are super smart, you take in everything....even when we think you aren't listening and you can work an iphone like a pro! I am SO crazy proud of you, girl!! When you were born I became a grown-up, I am eternally grateful for that. You changed me and shaped me in the most amazing way. I like me so much more since I had you.
I hope you always love God, and that you grow into a kind, loving, generous, smart, polite, thoughtful and happy young lady.....maybe even we'll throw in a little brave! Ha ha, I know that's a funny one---you are in a very fearful phase these days, scared of everything! The bottom line is Baby, you are so special to me. I love you all the way to the moon and back. I was going to say 'you'll never know how much I love you' but the truth is I hope you do know someday how much I love you. I hope that by the time we have survived adolescence together and you are a grown-up yourself that you will be able to say 'I know how much my Mom loves me and it's ALOT. I mean super ALOT, I mean tons and tons and CRAZY tons...forever'. Happy Birthday Baby Girl.
(Super-size)LOVE ALWAYS, Mom
My Dearest Large,
Today (really yesterday) you turned 4. Just like most Moms I can't believe how fast you have grown and I find myself thinking 'weren't you just born like 5 minutes ago?' . There are no words to describe how much I love you. Sometimes I think my heart is just going to bust open I love you so much. I am addicted to the smell of your neck and the inside of your arm and the sound of your voice (when you are not whining :). And speaking of your voice, you sing like an angel.... all the time. You sing in the car, to every commercial, all around the house that is one of my favorite things about you. You are a little shy these day but very loving, every time I leave the house you yell HUG, HUG. You are super smart, you take in everything....even when we think you aren't listening and you can work an iphone like a pro! I am SO crazy proud of you, girl!! When you were born I became a grown-up, I am eternally grateful for that. You changed me and shaped me in the most amazing way. I like me so much more since I had you.
I hope you always love God, and that you grow into a kind, loving, generous, smart, polite, thoughtful and happy young lady.....maybe even we'll throw in a little brave! Ha ha, I know that's a funny one---you are in a very fearful phase these days, scared of everything! The bottom line is Baby, you are so special to me. I love you all the way to the moon and back. I was going to say 'you'll never know how much I love you' but the truth is I hope you do know someday how much I love you. I hope that by the time we have survived adolescence together and you are a grown-up yourself that you will be able to say 'I know how much my Mom loves me and it's ALOT. I mean super ALOT, I mean tons and tons and CRAZY tons...forever'. Happy Birthday Baby Girl.
(Super-size)LOVE ALWAYS, Mom
Monday, August 30, 2010
No peaceful poops in parenthood
So,Manly Monday is going to take a perverse turn down "disgusting street" on only its second week in circulation but I feel like sharing this, its partly my blog so here goes... like most other men, given the time and privacy in the restroom, I come up with most of my amazing ideas, I could resolve world peace, cure cancer, pick the winning lotto numbers, solve world hunger and many more things. But as I said, I need time, peacefulness and privacy. And those were things I gave up when becoming a parent.
Now, dont get me wrong I love my kids, and if you have spent any time around them, you know why. But, I find myself from time to time sneaking into the bathroom shutting the door and hoping for peace, a good read of a "People" magazine, or some other random read that I have more than likely read a half dozen times.
If you dont have kids then this is probably making your face go ewwww, if you do have kids then you are probably doing the same thing just laughing while going ewwwww.
I have always had some weird twisted idea to have a heated toilet seat. Winter, cold.... you know where I am going with this. But today I found out that my 2 daughters had a much better idea. Large and Medium found out that the training potty is the perfect height to use as a step stool to climb onto the changing table in Mediums room. Holly heard the 2 girls laughing in the room. Now I was not there as I was outa town on work but can only imagine Holly walking into the room only to see Large and Medium sitting on the top of the changing table laughing with some "I didnt do it" look on their faces.
Now lets look at the bright side of what could have been a disaster. At least they were finally working together on one end goal, and reached it. They used their heads and came up with a brilliant idea. Bad side..... WTF were they thinking, really.... climbing onto a changing table using a training potty... HA.. I couldnt even write that without laughing.....
Now, dont get me wrong I love my kids, and if you have spent any time around them, you know why. But, I find myself from time to time sneaking into the bathroom shutting the door and hoping for peace, a good read of a "People" magazine, or some other random read that I have more than likely read a half dozen times.
If you dont have kids then this is probably making your face go ewwww, if you do have kids then you are probably doing the same thing just laughing while going ewwwww.
I have always had some weird twisted idea to have a heated toilet seat. Winter, cold.... you know where I am going with this. But today I found out that my 2 daughters had a much better idea. Large and Medium found out that the training potty is the perfect height to use as a step stool to climb onto the changing table in Mediums room. Holly heard the 2 girls laughing in the room. Now I was not there as I was outa town on work but can only imagine Holly walking into the room only to see Large and Medium sitting on the top of the changing table laughing with some "I didnt do it" look on their faces.
Now lets look at the bright side of what could have been a disaster. At least they were finally working together on one end goal, and reached it. They used their heads and came up with a brilliant idea. Bad side..... WTF were they thinking, really.... climbing onto a changing table using a training potty... HA.. I couldnt even write that without laughing.....
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Freaky Friday er...I mean Super Saturday!!!
And what a SUPER day it has been so far! I am so blessed to have Lin for a husband!! Single Ladies-- I have one piece of advice for you: MARRY A MAN WHO LIKES TO CLEAN!!!! Who also loves to pamper you, and is willing to work on his weaknesses and cherish you while you work on yours. My Dad and I went to the pool this morning with all the penguins so Lin could tidy up since it is Family Game Night at our crib tonight. So, here's what is on my mind.
1. There is NO cleaning left to do so I am blogging! :-))))) Ok I'll stop bragging now.
2. I start my new job on Sept 7th, I am very excited. I feel lucky and thankful. Sorry for all the complaining I did before!
3. My kids are just too. cute. for. words. (um... I'll stop bragging about Lin ;)
4. I just started a new book, Wally Lamb's The Hour I First Believed
5. My house smells like tacos....YUM-O
6. I really need to read over the rules of Partini before everyone gets here.
7. I hope B & Kristy are safe in Japan and in their travels. (While I am bragging my SIL's are awesome!)
8. Haven't seen my Lindsay Loo all week, we miss that girl. And it has been FAR too long since I have walked with my girl, Brenda.
9. Well that thought started a mile long chain of people that I am missing....if you are reading this I probably miss you, call me.
10. In 6 days my baby Large will be 4!!!! Oh my goodness, where has the time gone? I can't believe it.
Have a great weekend my dear friends!!!!
1. There is NO cleaning left to do so I am blogging! :-))))) Ok I'll stop bragging now.
2. I start my new job on Sept 7th, I am very excited. I feel lucky and thankful. Sorry for all the complaining I did before!
3. My kids are just too. cute. for. words. (um... I'll stop bragging about Lin ;)
4. I just started a new book, Wally Lamb's The Hour I First Believed
5. My house smells like tacos....YUM-O
6. I really need to read over the rules of Partini before everyone gets here.
7. I hope B & Kristy are safe in Japan and in their travels. (While I am bragging my SIL's are awesome!)
8. Haven't seen my Lindsay Loo all week, we miss that girl. And it has been FAR too long since I have walked with my girl, Brenda.
9. Well that thought started a mile long chain of people that I am missing....if you are reading this I probably miss you, call me.
10. In 6 days my baby Large will be 4!!!! Oh my goodness, where has the time gone? I can't believe it.
Have a great weekend my dear friends!!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Otters Anonymous
Oh Dear Readers, (all 3 of you--ha ha just kidding!)
I have missed you so! Sorry I have been a little absent this week, I've out getting a job!!!! YAY!!!! And of course you know how the penguins like to keep it crazy around here. I am working on a cup of half-caf now so there could be LOTS of random thoughts today. I'm still nursing Small and he prefers his milk decaf, so we are livin' on the edge today, folks. What there won't be today is the underlying sense of guilt that I usually have over taking time from my daily do's to write. I did a little experiment yesterday, I tried not taking a break.
Now I am a break-taker. I like to play and relax and I always brought home U's in the 'uses time wisely' section of my report card. Holla if you feel me!!! This did not seem to affect my work performance on the job (especially as I got older) but at school and on the home front I have always struggled with completing my tasks in a timely manner. When I got married Lin and I had to take a personality test in our pre-marital counseling. I am an Otter with a little bit of Lion thrown in. You can check out Gary Smalley's personality types here . Oh yaaay I think I did it! Somebody please call me if the link does not work.....I need a blog tutor. Anyway so the bossy Otter likes to play and have fun as long as it's done my way! Ha ha I am sure Lin is agreeing and laughing as he reads this.
The point is, not taking a break did not work for me. By 7pm I was such a grouch! So I AM going to be more organized and use my time more carefully but I am also going to have a 'lunch hour' and take a break to do whatever I want. And what I love to do is blog! Or read or sleep or watch TV.....anything that's not to chore-ish! :-) So I don't have to say, "Oh I should be doing blah blah blah.." . Oooohh it feels so freeing to say, "I'm gonna blog on my lunch hour today" or "I have 10 minutes left on my lunch break" . It must seem lame to some of you that I am having some revelation about allowing myself a lunch break. I have always taken breaks; this is more about setting limits for a person who is prone to play and not feeling guilty about taking an hour to recharge during the day.
Well, now that I have droned on about that for so long....I guess I better do freaky friday tomorrow and change the title of this post. Back to work for me!!
I have missed you so! Sorry I have been a little absent this week, I've out getting a job!!!! YAY!!!! And of course you know how the penguins like to keep it crazy around here. I am working on a cup of half-caf now so there could be LOTS of random thoughts today. I'm still nursing Small and he prefers his milk decaf, so we are livin' on the edge today, folks. What there won't be today is the underlying sense of guilt that I usually have over taking time from my daily do's to write. I did a little experiment yesterday, I tried not taking a break.
Now I am a break-taker. I like to play and relax and I always brought home U's in the 'uses time wisely' section of my report card. Holla if you feel me!!! This did not seem to affect my work performance on the job (especially as I got older) but at school and on the home front I have always struggled with completing my tasks in a timely manner. When I got married Lin and I had to take a personality test in our pre-marital counseling. I am an Otter with a little bit of Lion thrown in. You can check out Gary Smalley's personality types here . Oh yaaay I think I did it! Somebody please call me if the link does not work.....I need a blog tutor. Anyway so the bossy Otter likes to play and have fun as long as it's done my way! Ha ha I am sure Lin is agreeing and laughing as he reads this.
The point is, not taking a break did not work for me. By 7pm I was such a grouch! So I AM going to be more organized and use my time more carefully but I am also going to have a 'lunch hour' and take a break to do whatever I want. And what I love to do is blog! Or read or sleep or watch TV.....anything that's not to chore-ish! :-) So I don't have to say, "Oh I should be doing blah blah blah.." . Oooohh it feels so freeing to say, "I'm gonna blog on my lunch hour today" or "I have 10 minutes left on my lunch break" . It must seem lame to some of you that I am having some revelation about allowing myself a lunch break. I have always taken breaks; this is more about setting limits for a person who is prone to play and not feeling guilty about taking an hour to recharge during the day.
Well, now that I have droned on about that for so long....I guess I better do freaky friday tomorrow and change the title of this post. Back to work for me!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
How Sweet It Is!
Would you like to see an ADORABLE picture of my Small little man? Well then check out this blog . And even if you're not in love with Small (or his feet) you might fall in love with this blog. It's super fun and creative. Plus she takes awesome pictures. Happy Reading!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Laugh your way.........
Holly and I got married 5 yrs ago in June, and just like most couples KNEW that we were never going to fight, never going to disagree and never going to go to bed upset at each other and NEVER disappoint one another. That dream quickly sailed. We both learned that we were two different people and it took alot more than love to make a marriage not only work, but be successful.
Holly and I are lucky enough and blessed to be surrounded by many friends and a wonderful church family that have helped us through many tough times. Over the past 5 yrs we have seen that, "hey, we aren't the only screwed up couple in the bunch".
So, lets get to the point. Holly and I attended a marriage seminar this past weekend. I know what your thinking... ewwwww, feelings, tears, tissues and some guy pushing things you really don't want to hear in your face... change change change, its all your fault, BLAH... However my friends, this was totally different. Mark Gungor, the creator of 'laugh your way to a better marriage', had 1,000+ people laughing out loud, tears, but tears of joy, of humor. He has found a way to talk to us about what we all know we need to hear, what we all should hear, but it in a non-judgmental way.
Now those of you who know Holly and me, this will come as no surprise, but her and I sat up front, cause...... Holly needed to hear what he had to say!!! Im right, shes wrong, end of story (JK.. love you Holly). Hey, thats what I heard!! No seriously, there were 4 sections. Friday night we talked about 'his brain and her brain'. Why he thinks like he does and why she thinks like she does. Saturday morning we talked about, what makes him do what he does and what makes her do what she does. Then we talked about SEX.... thats right... all caps... SEX!! WOOT WOOT.... and it was something that I think all couples and all parents should hear. Lastly we talked about, how to be married and NOT kill each other! The seminar was something that could change someones marriage. Something that, I think if given the chance, everyone should either go see or purchase the DVD or at least youtube it. To try and not make this too long I will stop here and leave you with some thoughts, some questions that were discussed in the seminar... enjoy...
-- Do you think that we as a society are trying to feminize Men and Christianity?
-- Ladies, if you didn't know.. I will fill you in, a man's brain is full of boxes, our favorite box is a 'nothing box', and we LOVE our nothing box, and no you don't need to know where it is :)
-- Ladies, Respect your man even before he deserves it, men love and be nice to her even before she deserves it. It will change things in a way you wouldn't believe. I promise
--Men, women work off a points system, to you taking out the trash may be 20 points, dressing the kids 1000 points and buying her a diamond may be 4500 points, but to her they are each 1 point
I hope that this has been funny, entertaining and hasraised some thoughts and questions and conversations.
Holly and I are lucky enough and blessed to be surrounded by many friends and a wonderful church family that have helped us through many tough times. Over the past 5 yrs we have seen that, "hey, we aren't the only screwed up couple in the bunch".
So, lets get to the point. Holly and I attended a marriage seminar this past weekend. I know what your thinking... ewwwww, feelings, tears, tissues and some guy pushing things you really don't want to hear in your face... change change change, its all your fault, BLAH... However my friends, this was totally different. Mark Gungor, the creator of 'laugh your way to a better marriage', had 1,000+ people laughing out loud, tears, but tears of joy, of humor. He has found a way to talk to us about what we all know we need to hear, what we all should hear, but it in a non-judgmental way.
Now those of you who know Holly and me, this will come as no surprise, but her and I sat up front, cause...... Holly needed to hear what he had to say!!! Im right, shes wrong, end of story (JK.. love you Holly). Hey, thats what I heard!! No seriously, there were 4 sections. Friday night we talked about 'his brain and her brain'. Why he thinks like he does and why she thinks like she does. Saturday morning we talked about, what makes him do what he does and what makes her do what she does. Then we talked about SEX.... thats right... all caps... SEX!! WOOT WOOT.... and it was something that I think all couples and all parents should hear. Lastly we talked about, how to be married and NOT kill each other! The seminar was something that could change someones marriage. Something that, I think if given the chance, everyone should either go see or purchase the DVD or at least youtube it. To try and not make this too long I will stop here and leave you with some thoughts, some questions that were discussed in the seminar... enjoy...
-- Do you think that we as a society are trying to feminize Men and Christianity?
-- Ladies, if you didn't know.. I will fill you in, a man's brain is full of boxes, our favorite box is a 'nothing box', and we LOVE our nothing box, and no you don't need to know where it is :)
-- Ladies, Respect your man even before he deserves it, men love and be nice to her even before she deserves it. It will change things in a way you wouldn't believe. I promise
--Men, women work off a points system, to you taking out the trash may be 20 points, dressing the kids 1000 points and buying her a diamond may be 4500 points, but to her they are each 1 point
I hope that this has been funny, entertaining and hasraised some thoughts and questions and conversations.
Friday, August 20, 2010
It's Friday, y'all!!!
Freaky Friday that is!! Where one freaky girl shares her random thoughts. Or one random girl shares her freaky thoughts. Whatever. Busy times around here these days, lots to share.
1. My wrist hurts ALL the time. Can you get carpel tunnel from changing diapers? Who knew! It is really starting to get in the way of my life, I should probably get it checked out. Perhaps I should have asked for a brace for my birthday. :-(
2. I cannot wait to see Mark Gungor tonight! Lin and I are going to a seminar called 'Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage'. We are so excited, this guys is so funny. And what a blessing it is to get some time to focus just on each other! Thanks so much to everyone who helped us make it happen!!
3. I am sitting next to 4, yes I said 4 loads of unfolded laundry and my kitchen is a hot mess. And I have not taken a shower. There are definitely things I should be doing besides blogging!
4. I am pretty sure you can get carpel tunnel from folding laundry.
5. Should I get counseling for my obbsesion with Small's feet?
6. There are several job opportunites to be figured out and decided, pray that Lin and I will make the right choice for our family. It does not seem clear (to me) which way is going to be the better way.
7. CAN'T WAIT for Martha and Neil's engagement party tomorrow night!! Even though I wish I could be at PCC for open mike night, too.
8. I love how I can hide behind the screen of my laptop so Small thinks I am gone and he goes back to sleep....but I can still see those sweet little piggies of his! In case you are not part of the Robison family piggies = toes. And if you are yearning for some quality entertainment I suggest you engage Medium in conversation about which piggies are hers. It goes a little somethin' like this:
ME- Yum those are my piggies (try to grab)
Medium- NO those are my pigs!
Me- I think they are MY piggies (try to eat--without getting kicked in the face :-)
Medium- NO those are MY pigs! (much grabbing and flailing here)......
Anyway, you get the picture.
9. I wish I was laying out at the pool or beach right now.
10. There are ALOT of mosquitos in my back yard...perhaps we should have set Mr.Bat free.
11. I just realized the clock on my computer is wrong! Wow that totally messed me up! I have to go pack the penquins bags, NOW!!
Have a GREAT weekend, dear Readers!!!!
1. My wrist hurts ALL the time. Can you get carpel tunnel from changing diapers? Who knew! It is really starting to get in the way of my life, I should probably get it checked out. Perhaps I should have asked for a brace for my birthday. :-(
2. I cannot wait to see Mark Gungor tonight! Lin and I are going to a seminar called 'Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage'. We are so excited, this guys is so funny. And what a blessing it is to get some time to focus just on each other! Thanks so much to everyone who helped us make it happen!!
3. I am sitting next to 4, yes I said 4 loads of unfolded laundry and my kitchen is a hot mess. And I have not taken a shower. There are definitely things I should be doing besides blogging!
4. I am pretty sure you can get carpel tunnel from folding laundry.
5. Should I get counseling for my obbsesion with Small's feet?
6. There are several job opportunites to be figured out and decided, pray that Lin and I will make the right choice for our family. It does not seem clear (to me) which way is going to be the better way.
7. CAN'T WAIT for Martha and Neil's engagement party tomorrow night!! Even though I wish I could be at PCC for open mike night, too.
8. I love how I can hide behind the screen of my laptop so Small thinks I am gone and he goes back to sleep....but I can still see those sweet little piggies of his! In case you are not part of the Robison family piggies = toes. And if you are yearning for some quality entertainment I suggest you engage Medium in conversation about which piggies are hers. It goes a little somethin' like this:
ME- Yum those are my piggies (try to grab)
Medium- NO those are my pigs!
Me- I think they are MY piggies (try to eat--without getting kicked in the face :-)
Medium- NO those are MY pigs! (much grabbing and flailing here)......
Anyway, you get the picture.
9. I wish I was laying out at the pool or beach right now.
10. There are ALOT of mosquitos in my back yard...perhaps we should have set Mr.Bat free.
11. I just realized the clock on my computer is wrong! Wow that totally messed me up! I have to go pack the penquins bags, NOW!!
Have a GREAT weekend, dear Readers!!!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ladies, does this remind you of your man?
***Warning ladies, viewing the following could change your view on men altogether***
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The uninvited dinner guest
We had our friends Amy and Greg (holla!) over for dinner tonight. We finished dinner, got everything cleaned up, put Large and Medium to bed and were chatting it up while I fed Small and they played with their little one. Something flew past Lin's head and we looked up....I started screaming THERE'S A BAT IN HERE!!!! My AWESOME husband ran right out the front door! Leaving me, two small children and two of our closest friends to fend for ourselves. He claims he was opening the door to 'let the bat out' but I saw the Lin shaped hole in the door. Did I mention at the time I was breastfeeding Small while a bat swoops over my head waiting to suck my blood? So I did what any rational person does, I call 911. I know a bat in your living space is considered an emergency and animal control will come out to promptly remove it. I know this because it happened to another one of my closest friends. She had a bat in her kitchen on a Sat morning and the 911 dispatcher sent animal control, he got the bat, all is well. So I tell them no need for sirens my other kids are asleep ;-) and they tell me to try to seal off the room or at least get into a room where I can close the door. While Amy, Greg, two tiny children and I crawl to the safety of the playroom (the bat swooping and deciding who he is going to bite first) Lin watches us FROM OUTSIDE. As we wait for animal control I make sure all other doors are closed and Amy and I hang a sheet to keep him from flying down the hall. When the police arrive Lin ushers them in and says, "Is animal control on the way?"
And they say, "Oh no, they aren't coming."
"They only come if someones been bitten."
Lin says, "Well tell them I've been bitten!"
"Sir, we can't do that"
ooohhh heeeellll NO! I KNOW they come because this happened to my friend!!! My voice is starting to get screamy and irrational. Well call them back!!
"Uh, Ma'am they are not coming"
I felt so violated, I was livid. Why did they care about Emily and not me? Probably because her bat emergency occurred on a Sat morning. So the male cop says to Lin, "You're just gonna have to kill it, Man, it's your house."
Seriously? Well it's your county, brotha. Protect and Serve. My sweet hubby runs out to get his bat killin gear (ie broom, dustpan and bike helmet) while the lady cop says, "You got any hairspray? That will clip his wings for a sec while you hit him."
Really...really? Shall we give him a new hair-do? Y'all two coulda fed me this crap over the phone. Let me tell you now my Baby is not getting bitten by a bat tonight! So I stomp off to go call Em to see how she got animal control to come. Meanwhile Man-cop decided to take a whack it. They ask Lin for a 'heavy shoe' and while he hits the bat with a broom Lady-cop is supposed to smack it with my boot. I hear LOTS of thumping and then Man-cop yells "Good Job!". In the end I am appreciative of their efforts. I need Lin around and free of rabies. And as for Animal Control? Oh yes I will be calling them tomorrow for a little talkin' to!
And they say, "Oh no, they aren't coming."
"They only come if someones been bitten."
Lin says, "Well tell them I've been bitten!"
"Sir, we can't do that"
ooohhh heeeellll NO! I KNOW they come because this happened to my friend!!! My voice is starting to get screamy and irrational. Well call them back!!
"Uh, Ma'am they are not coming"
I felt so violated, I was livid. Why did they care about Emily and not me? Probably because her bat emergency occurred on a Sat morning. So the male cop says to Lin, "You're just gonna have to kill it, Man, it's your house."
Seriously? Well it's your county, brotha. Protect and Serve. My sweet hubby runs out to get his bat killin gear (ie broom, dustpan and bike helmet) while the lady cop says, "You got any hairspray? That will clip his wings for a sec while you hit him."
Really...really? Shall we give him a new hair-do? Y'all two coulda fed me this crap over the phone. Let me tell you now my Baby is not getting bitten by a bat tonight! So I stomp off to go call Em to see how she got animal control to come. Meanwhile Man-cop decided to take a whack it. They ask Lin for a 'heavy shoe' and while he hits the bat with a broom Lady-cop is supposed to smack it with my boot. I hear LOTS of thumping and then Man-cop yells "Good Job!". In the end I am appreciative of their efforts. I need Lin around and free of rabies. And as for Animal Control? Oh yes I will be calling them tomorrow for a little talkin' to!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Super Saturday!
Well dear friends, I really meant to put up a Freaky Friday list for ya...but I didn't get to it! Hope Super Saturday will be ok with you. One tired lady's random thoughts:
-Robison Family vaca is an AWESOME idea!
-Why is Lin making me watch 'Cocktail'? Tom Cruise=eewwww
- I really need to wake up Small to feed him
-Dear Lin, I am drawing the line....I am NOT watching Nitro Circus AGAIN! <3 , Me
-Had such an great time with my girls from high school today!!!
- It's easier to have random thoughts when it is quiet and you're alone.
- I def should not have let small eat for an hour in the middle of the night last just because I got to a really good part in the book I am reading.
- I have not seen Eclipse yet, if I go see it at the Byrd is that going to make my fanny sore?
- Medium said to me yesterday, "ouch Momma, you broke my fanny!" I was changing her diaper and I am not sure what I did to hurt her but I laughed ALOT which caused her to say it over and over again.
-I have been thinking alot lately about the last family I worked for. If you guys read this I love you and miss you, K, S, & A!!!
That's all folks!!!!!!
-Robison Family vaca is an AWESOME idea!
-Why is Lin making me watch 'Cocktail'? Tom Cruise=eewwww
- I really need to wake up Small to feed him
-Dear Lin, I am drawing the line....I am NOT watching Nitro Circus AGAIN! <3 , Me
-Had such an great time with my girls from high school today!!!
- It's easier to have random thoughts when it is quiet and you're alone.
- I def should not have let small eat for an hour in the middle of the night last just because I got to a really good part in the book I am reading.
- I have not seen Eclipse yet, if I go see it at the Byrd is that going to make my fanny sore?
- Medium said to me yesterday, "ouch Momma, you broke my fanny!" I was changing her diaper and I am not sure what I did to hurt her but I laughed ALOT which caused her to say it over and over again.
-I have been thinking alot lately about the last family I worked for. If you guys read this I love you and miss you, K, S, & A!!!
That's all folks!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Advice from Lin
Ok I have decided that as a dad I need to be full of advice among other things to at least seem wise in front of my kids, So with that. I am starting an advice column for this blog. I will try and post a word of advice a few times a week. So be on the look out. Here is my first of many. Pay close attention, as what this talks about, is very important!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I guess I WILL have to be a professional blogger after all!
Dear Faithful Readers,
I am in SUCH a bad mood! I have been searching for a job, as some of you know. And I have been interviewing with a family who needed a Nanny/House Manager. Well I am devastated to say that I did not get the job! They went with the lady who wanted more hours. Hmph. I was a nanny for many years before the penguins and I NEVER had trouble getting a job....good ones even. My first thought is to blame my sweet angels for dragging down my marketability as a nanny, but maybe it's just not God's plan. Blaaahhh! Yes, I can say that about God's plan because we are that tight and He knows I will go along with His will even if it is seriously bruising my ego.
Some of you are probably saying, 'What the hell is a House Manager?'. Basically it's a paid wife without the sex. Grocery shopping, meal planning and prep, errands, dry cleaning, bill paying....all the things I do for Lin for FREE!
All this rejection is starting to get to me, I think I will go drown my sorrows in a bowl of Reece's pieces + chocolate chips. I need some cheering up, oh I know...all of you could convince everyone you know to read our blog everyday. Then we could have sponsors and I could devote all my free time to entertaining you! I promise to never go on vacation. And to try not to endlessly rattle on about my adorable children. And to let you know when anything exciting happens around here (or on E! news). Sound good? I thought so!
Love you guys, H
I am in SUCH a bad mood! I have been searching for a job, as some of you know. And I have been interviewing with a family who needed a Nanny/House Manager. Well I am devastated to say that I did not get the job! They went with the lady who wanted more hours. Hmph. I was a nanny for many years before the penguins and I NEVER had trouble getting a job....good ones even. My first thought is to blame my sweet angels for dragging down my marketability as a nanny, but maybe it's just not God's plan. Blaaahhh! Yes, I can say that about God's plan because we are that tight and He knows I will go along with His will even if it is seriously bruising my ego.
Some of you are probably saying, 'What the hell is a House Manager?'. Basically it's a paid wife without the sex. Grocery shopping, meal planning and prep, errands, dry cleaning, bill paying....all the things I do for Lin for FREE!
All this rejection is starting to get to me, I think I will go drown my sorrows in a bowl of Reece's pieces + chocolate chips. I need some cheering up, oh I know...all of you could convince everyone you know to read our blog everyday. Then we could have sponsors and I could devote all my free time to entertaining you! I promise to never go on vacation. And to try not to endlessly rattle on about my adorable children. And to let you know when anything exciting happens around here (or on E! news). Sound good? I thought so!
Love you guys, H
Monday, August 9, 2010
Manly Monday
So Holly gets Freaky Friday.. so I figured.. I would get Manly Monday... makes sense right.. I mean, I have random thoughts as well... even IF mine usually come from a long visit to the restroom....
Holly and I came home from vaca this past weekend, and she quickly found out that we didnt have internet service... I quickly found out that the neighbors that we were "borrowing" it from didnt have it either, which is why we dont... Holly is a bit upset... How dare our neighbors have their internet service broken like that.. shame....
Getting back to work from a week of vacation, is NOT a vacation.
Sometimes I wonder if the way I pray is wrong even though I know there is no wrong way to pray.
I am upset and ashamed at times that Holly has to get a job and I cannot support my family in a way that I would like. (I guess its a man thing)
Footballs season starts soon.. good for Me... bad for Holly....
I want a dog.... a fun friendly licking, goofy dog
MY butt iches....(remember... its a Manly Monday)
When Holly and I watch MTV.... yes that is our vice... it makes me feel soooo old
well since I know most of the readers here are women, I dont wanna bore you all with My thoughts. So I will leave you with those....and a grunt... HA
Holly and I came home from vaca this past weekend, and she quickly found out that we didnt have internet service... I quickly found out that the neighbors that we were "borrowing" it from didnt have it either, which is why we dont... Holly is a bit upset... How dare our neighbors have their internet service broken like that.. shame....
Getting back to work from a week of vacation, is NOT a vacation.
Sometimes I wonder if the way I pray is wrong even though I know there is no wrong way to pray.
I am upset and ashamed at times that Holly has to get a job and I cannot support my family in a way that I would like. (I guess its a man thing)
Footballs season starts soon.. good for Me... bad for Holly....
I want a dog.... a fun friendly licking, goofy dog
MY butt iches....(remember... its a Manly Monday)
When Holly and I watch MTV.... yes that is our vice... it makes me feel soooo old
well since I know most of the readers here are women, I dont wanna bore you all with My thoughts. So I will leave you with those....and a grunt... HA
Friday, July 30, 2010
Freaky Friday! One girl's random thoughts.
You know it's a good day when Lin and I are fighting over who gets to write the next blog post. Here's how it went:
Lin: Did you read my new post?
Holly: Uuuugghh! I wanted to write a blog post today....no faaiir.
Lin: You still can, baby, it's ok!
Holly: (pout & grumble) ok.
I haven't gotten to write all week, Lin is hogging this blog! Enough complaining!! It's Friday and I am freaky so here goes!
1. I love Lindsay cupcakes ALMOST as much as I love Lindsay herself! You can read about it here...or at www.lindsaycookies.blogspot.com
2. I get to see my sister TOMORROW!!!! YAAAAYYYYY!!!! How many years am I allowed to be traumatized by her moving 12 hours away?
3. I am praying today for a friend who has to move tomorrow under some yucky circumstances and another friend who is looking for a job....how can I pray for you, dear reader?
4. Small's feet do not stink (yet), I know this because I spend an absurd amount of time sniffing (and eating) them.
5. I am so very blessed.
6. I hope there is not a ton of rain next week.
7. OH CRAP! I forgot I had brownies in the oven...brb..........the oven was off....close one!
8. We are going to have some 'cousin time' tonight and I am super excited!
9. Awesome walk with one of my girls this morning, I HAVE GOT to exercise more!!!!!
10. I wouldn't have to sniff on Small's feet so much if he would stop waving them around right in front of me. He sticks them out and I can't resist, then he smiles as if to say 'come on Mom, come and get 'em!' . Small-why must you tempt me, so?
11. He is still getting up in the middle of the night but lately he does not cry, he just talks softly at first and then louder and louder until I feed him. 6 MONTHS OLD!!! Can you believe it???
Well I could keep going but I am pretty sure you don't want to read 12 more thoughts about how Small smells. He woke up and I got distracted! :-D Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
Lin: Did you read my new post?
Holly: Uuuugghh! I wanted to write a blog post today....no faaiir.
Lin: You still can, baby, it's ok!
Holly: (pout & grumble) ok.
I haven't gotten to write all week, Lin is hogging this blog! Enough complaining!! It's Friday and I am freaky so here goes!
1. I love Lindsay cupcakes ALMOST as much as I love Lindsay herself! You can read about it here...or at www.lindsaycookies.blogspot.com
2. I get to see my sister TOMORROW!!!! YAAAAYYYYY!!!! How many years am I allowed to be traumatized by her moving 12 hours away?
3. I am praying today for a friend who has to move tomorrow under some yucky circumstances and another friend who is looking for a job....how can I pray for you, dear reader?
4. Small's feet do not stink (yet), I know this because I spend an absurd amount of time sniffing (and eating) them.
5. I am so very blessed.
6. I hope there is not a ton of rain next week.
7. OH CRAP! I forgot I had brownies in the oven...brb..........the oven was off....close one!
8. We are going to have some 'cousin time' tonight and I am super excited!
9. Awesome walk with one of my girls this morning, I HAVE GOT to exercise more!!!!!
10. I wouldn't have to sniff on Small's feet so much if he would stop waving them around right in front of me. He sticks them out and I can't resist, then he smiles as if to say 'come on Mom, come and get 'em!' . Small-why must you tempt me, so?
11. He is still getting up in the middle of the night but lately he does not cry, he just talks softly at first and then louder and louder until I feed him. 6 MONTHS OLD!!! Can you believe it???
Well I could keep going but I am pretty sure you don't want to read 12 more thoughts about how Small smells. He woke up and I got distracted! :-D Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
Stupid Wall
So the fam went on a luxurious vacation to the tropical Lake Gaston a week ago. While we were there Holly and I learned a number of things... A) Large, for her age, is a great swimmer... well a great doggie paddle on steroids. B) when my brothers, sister in laws, go on vacation.. they GO on vacation!! C) I have learned how to brew my own beer and cant wait to start, D) Large thinks its ok to pee in lake water, cause well..... "you cant see it daddy". and lastly...
Millie has learned that there was a wall there.......so here is the math equation
And a flight of stairs equals......... drum roll.............................
Thats right, leave it to the Wright kids to put a hole in a vacation home wall within 24 hours of arriving!!! Thanks Millie, daddy had to actually WORK on his vacation.
The up side, I now know how to do quick repair work! We all had a great time on the first of our two vacations for the summer. Had alot of laughs and good times, and at the end of the day THAT is what it is all about!
Millie has learned that there was a wall there.......so here is the math equation
And a flight of stairs equals......... drum roll.............................
Thats right, leave it to the Wright kids to put a hole in a vacation home wall within 24 hours of arriving!!! Thanks Millie, daddy had to actually WORK on his vacation.
The up side, I now know how to do quick repair work! We all had a great time on the first of our two vacations for the summer. Had alot of laughs and good times, and at the end of the day THAT is what it is all about!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Camping Trip
OK, just so everyone knows, we have been on a break due to vacations (and more to come). The sad part is, that on our first of two vacations this summer, we didn't have Internet nor did we have phone reception... (I know right...WOW).... so that was good and bad.
Since her nap was much longer than expected, once she woke up we just hung around the cap site, running around, getting dirty, laughing and watching the sun go down. She helped Daddy cook dinner and even helped clean up. And then it started.... SMORES.... she could not wait to cook em... so while her and I went and got a shower, cleaned up, My brother started the fire in the pit. When her and I got back she helped me pick out a good long twig that was obviously made for cooking marshmallows. and she stood by the fire and just smiled... once the marshmallow was good, crispy and somewhat on fire, she sat down... sandwiched her chocolate in between the grahmcrackers and stared, almost to the point to where I wondered if she was going to eat it or just marvel at what she had created. But before I could finish my thought... GULP.... she downed the chocolate goodness!
Cleaned up again, into the tent she went with Daddy, tucked into bed, with a few comfort items, a nightly story from Daddy, and off to bed (notice I didn't say SLEEP) she went. I walked to the side of the tent, cracked a good cold beer and sat down, started to talk with My brother on his and My views on Religion, when....."DADDY".... I looked over and there sat Large... smiling.... and in the sweetest voice.... "can you come to sleep with Me"... there is NO beer good enough to turn that down.... So her and I lay in the tent. with the crickets chirping, looking up through the screen roof at the stars when Large started pointing out shaped and figures she saw in the sky, squares, circles, horses and smiley faces. My heart melted, her and I lay talking, giggling and after about 15 mins.... snoring.... like a train... she was out.... arms by her side. curled up to Daddy like glue.... I could move... and lets be honest... would I even have wanted to? NOPE.. so I lay there.. thinking to myself, trying to find the shapes in the sky that she saw and realized that her mind and imagination was amazing, she could see things that I couldn't..... Oh to be a kid again!!!
The sun rose, the chirping from the crickets turned to the chirping of the birds... I however sadly couldn't hear them due to the loud screaming of the kids across the path yelling at their dad to get up and turn the TV on in the RV, and start cooking the eggs and sausage. Large and I lay in the tent for a bit, talking about her favorite parts from the previous day, before getting out of the tent and starting our own breakfast on the lil propane camping grill. And started our day off by cleaning up, packing up and taking off to the lake to go swimming some more before heading back home again.
I can remember back when I was younger, much younger and smile about all the times My Dad had with me, all the traditions he and I shared. Knowing that I have now started that with Large, and soon to be Medium and at some point Small gives me a feeling that only a Dad could have. And I love it. There was a time not too long ago (2yrs), that I was a selfish man, and didn't have nor did I want to spend time with my kids, with some help from Holly, an amazing friend Dennis Green and most importantly God, I now have something that I can now say I couldn't live without, the hearts of my kids, their smiles, laughter and time. My traditions have started and I look forward to sharing, and remembering them all
So, let me catch everyone up on what has been going on... I (Daddy), took Large on her first camping trip. Her and I, along with My middle brother Brandon and his dog Simpson went to Bear Creek Lake State Park a few weeks ago. To me this was the first real Father/Daughter thing that I did with her, and I had been looking forward to this day for 3.5 yrs. In my mind every day is looking forward to that first camping trip, the first cheer leading game, football, soccer, or baseball game.
So Brandon got to the camp site Friday afternoon and set up his little area and just kinda chilled until Large and I were to get there early Sat. morning. I thought that camping for the first time for 2 nights would have been pushing it. So I got a call from my brother early Sat morning telling me that is was HOT, raining and nasty out and that he thought it would be best if we called it off..... That however wasn't happening, I paid for the site, I was using the site. So Large and I drove out to the park and by the time we got there... SUN!!
So Brandon got to the camp site Friday afternoon and set up his little area and just kinda chilled until Large and I were to get there early Sat. morning. I thought that camping for the first time for 2 nights would have been pushing it. So I got a call from my brother early Sat morning telling me that is was HOT, raining and nasty out and that he thought it would be best if we called it off..... That however wasn't happening, I paid for the site, I was using the site. So Large and I drove out to the park and by the time we got there... SUN!!
I had the most amazing time with Large. The smile on her face the entire time was priceless. from making our own sandwiches, kayaking, hiking, finding fun things to do in the woods, swimming, I never knew she was such a water bug, and never knew she could swim so well, ok to be honest its more of a doggie paddle on steroids, but she got from point A to point B none the less. We built sand castles, we did everything that she and I wanted to do... no outside distractions, no TV no phones, no REAL rules. For those 2 days her and I did want we wanted, when we wanted. And you could tell by her 3.5 hr nap, which usually lasts about 1.5 hrs if we are lucky.
Since her nap was much longer than expected, once she woke up we just hung around the cap site, running around, getting dirty, laughing and watching the sun go down. She helped Daddy cook dinner and even helped clean up. And then it started.... SMORES.... she could not wait to cook em... so while her and I went and got a shower, cleaned up, My brother started the fire in the pit. When her and I got back she helped me pick out a good long twig that was obviously made for cooking marshmallows. and she stood by the fire and just smiled... once the marshmallow was good, crispy and somewhat on fire, she sat down... sandwiched her chocolate in between the grahmcrackers and stared, almost to the point to where I wondered if she was going to eat it or just marvel at what she had created. But before I could finish my thought... GULP.... she downed the chocolate goodness!
Cleaned up again, into the tent she went with Daddy, tucked into bed, with a few comfort items, a nightly story from Daddy, and off to bed (notice I didn't say SLEEP) she went. I walked to the side of the tent, cracked a good cold beer and sat down, started to talk with My brother on his and My views on Religion, when....."DADDY".... I looked over and there sat Large... smiling.... and in the sweetest voice.... "can you come to sleep with Me"... there is NO beer good enough to turn that down.... So her and I lay in the tent. with the crickets chirping, looking up through the screen roof at the stars when Large started pointing out shaped and figures she saw in the sky, squares, circles, horses and smiley faces. My heart melted, her and I lay talking, giggling and after about 15 mins.... snoring.... like a train... she was out.... arms by her side. curled up to Daddy like glue.... I could move... and lets be honest... would I even have wanted to? NOPE.. so I lay there.. thinking to myself, trying to find the shapes in the sky that she saw and realized that her mind and imagination was amazing, she could see things that I couldn't..... Oh to be a kid again!!!
The sun rose, the chirping from the crickets turned to the chirping of the birds... I however sadly couldn't hear them due to the loud screaming of the kids across the path yelling at their dad to get up and turn the TV on in the RV, and start cooking the eggs and sausage. Large and I lay in the tent for a bit, talking about her favorite parts from the previous day, before getting out of the tent and starting our own breakfast on the lil propane camping grill. And started our day off by cleaning up, packing up and taking off to the lake to go swimming some more before heading back home again.
I can remember back when I was younger, much younger and smile about all the times My Dad had with me, all the traditions he and I shared. Knowing that I have now started that with Large, and soon to be Medium and at some point Small gives me a feeling that only a Dad could have. And I love it. There was a time not too long ago (2yrs), that I was a selfish man, and didn't have nor did I want to spend time with my kids, with some help from Holly, an amazing friend Dennis Green and most importantly God, I now have something that I can now say I couldn't live without, the hearts of my kids, their smiles, laughter and time. My traditions have started and I look forward to sharing, and remembering them all
Friday, July 16, 2010
You Snooze You Lose! / Freaky Friday
Well Lin said he was going to post about his camping trip with Large 4 days ago. He has not and I don't want the world to think we are strangely obsessed with Dennis so here goes! Bad news is I have nothing to talk about so I decided to post a list of my random thoughts for your reading pleasure......let's hope Lin returns quickly with some camping stories.
Freaky Friday:
1. I love the Pioneer Woman's blog, sometimes I want to be her....except for the 'living in the middle of nowhere' part. Read it for yourself if you like www.thepioneerwoman.com
2. Wish I knew how to do that 'here' trick where you can link stuff and say read about it here.
3. The guacamole I made to go with my quesadilla was a little too salty which nicely masked the cardboardyness of the multi-grain tortilla I used.
4. I should totally be paying bills or doing laundry.
5. Abby (my FAB cousin) mentioned checking out yard sales and now I really want to.
---Yard sales always make me miss my friend Tracy who moved.
6. I might need to work in a wedding dress store someday.
7. Small is so super adorable when he sleeps, or smiles, or always.
8. Whoa, Large's nap was too short.
9. Looking forward to hanging out with my Dad tonight and this coming up week.
10. My husband has some really awesome traits, one of them is that cleaning makes him in a good mood. Again I hear swooning ladies.....sorry girls he's ALL MINE!!!! :-)
11. This post might be super lame.
Freaky Friday:
1. I love the Pioneer Woman's blog, sometimes I want to be her....except for the 'living in the middle of nowhere' part. Read it for yourself if you like www.thepioneerwoman.com
2. Wish I knew how to do that 'here' trick where you can link stuff and say read about it here.
3. The guacamole I made to go with my quesadilla was a little too salty which nicely masked the cardboardyness of the multi-grain tortilla I used.
4. I should totally be paying bills or doing laundry.
5. Abby (my FAB cousin) mentioned checking out yard sales and now I really want to.
---Yard sales always make me miss my friend Tracy who moved.
6. I might need to work in a wedding dress store someday.
7. Small is so super adorable when he sleeps, or smiles, or always.
8. Whoa, Large's nap was too short.
9. Looking forward to hanging out with my Dad tonight and this coming up week.
10. My husband has some really awesome traits, one of them is that cleaning makes him in a good mood. Again I hear swooning ladies.....sorry girls he's ALL MINE!!!! :-)
11. This post might be super lame.
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Shout Out to my Friend!!
Last night one of our close friends was ordained. It was very exciting for us because he is very special to Lin and me. It was also exciting because there was no nursery for the penguins. Small was fine, off with one of his (many) girlfriends. You would think that 4 adults could manage Large and Medium for an hour but have you met these penguins? Large had been camping and was far too tired to behave properly. Besides she has entered this "I only want/love/will accept help from my Dad" stage. Awesome. And we forgot to bring duct tape for Medium's mouth..... maybe next time. Anyway, the service was wonderful and moving and I just wanted to take a minute to tell the world how proud I am of Dennis. First off you know he's a smarty because he picked one of the awesomest wives around, one of my best friends, Brenda. Dennis is the kind of friend who will have a sleepover with your baby so you can have 9 straight hours of sleep! Whoa. All the girls just swooned. He will repair your side view mirror when an orange barrel jumps out of nowhere and takes it off. He'll help you find work if you need extra cash. He could probably teach you how to hit a golf ball or a softball (just don't ask him to run the bases!). He'll make sure your husband doesn't forget that he's ugly. He's the sort of friend you can tease mercilessly and he knows it's only cause you love him. But the one thing he did for me that I will be FOREVER grateful for is save my marriage. Lin and I are in a great place now but we have had to overcome alot of struggles in our short time together. I can say for sure that we would not be together and happy today if not for Dennis. God put him in our lives I am 100% sure of that and I am so thankful that He did. I love his honesty and encouragement. Every time we have needed him he has been right there to help us. Thanks Big D, we love ya!
If you'd like to experience Dennis for yourself come (as you are) to the Westchester Commons Regal Cinema at 9:30 any Sunday morning. It's FREE and also includes: awesome music, great friends, super strong coffee, and an incredible message.
If you'd like to experience Dennis for yourself come (as you are) to the Westchester Commons Regal Cinema at 9:30 any Sunday morning. It's FREE and also includes: awesome music, great friends, super strong coffee, and an incredible message.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Rent a Friend
Ok let me preface this post with a few things... A) I'm a dork, B) I can't spell, C) this will prove a lot and D) REALLY.....
So that being said, Holly and I were watching the Today's Show a few days ago and.... (oh wait wait another footnote, this is not a plug for what I am about to talk about...) anyways, Holly and I were watching the "Today's Show", and we saw a segment for a new website called "Rent a Friend".
So let me explain this. "Rent a Friend" is a website that people can get on and look up someone that they can take out on a date, a concert, a skydiving experience, or whatever else floats their boat. You can go 1 of 2 different ways, you can either be the date or the dater. So I was curious (you are too don't look at me that way). I looked up the website directly after the segment went off and wouldn't you know it, there were so many hits at that point that I couldn't log onto the site.... which got me thinking... A) I need to get on the Today's Show to become famous, what better way to get all the inventions I think about while in the restroom than on that show OBVIOUSLY.... and B) this is what the world has come to... you can make a website for anything...
What I have come to realize is all that site is, is a glorified escort service. I mean you log on, find someone that fits your fancy and pay them to be your friend for 1,2,3+ hours. So I got to thinking again, hmmmm experiment time. Maybe Holly or Myself could post a profile, and see what comes of it. And post about it and in the process make some coin. Cause as we all know, we all need some extra coin. My profile could read like this....
So that being said, Holly and I were watching the Today's Show a few days ago and.... (oh wait wait another footnote, this is not a plug for what I am about to talk about...) anyways, Holly and I were watching the "Today's Show", and we saw a segment for a new website called "Rent a Friend".
So let me explain this. "Rent a Friend" is a website that people can get on and look up someone that they can take out on a date, a concert, a skydiving experience, or whatever else floats their boat. You can go 1 of 2 different ways, you can either be the date or the dater. So I was curious (you are too don't look at me that way). I looked up the website directly after the segment went off and wouldn't you know it, there were so many hits at that point that I couldn't log onto the site.... which got me thinking... A) I need to get on the Today's Show to become famous, what better way to get all the inventions I think about while in the restroom than on that show OBVIOUSLY.... and B) this is what the world has come to... you can make a website for anything...
What I have come to realize is all that site is, is a glorified escort service. I mean you log on, find someone that fits your fancy and pay them to be your friend for 1,2,3+ hours. So I got to thinking again, hmmmm experiment time. Maybe Holly or Myself could post a profile, and see what comes of it. And post about it and in the process make some coin. Cause as we all know, we all need some extra coin. My profile could read like this....
32 yr old male, sweats a lot, afraid of roller coasters, heights and bee's, married, 3 kids, no free time, fairly boring, dresses somewhat gay(ish), has a tendency to make stupid comments at stupid sayings, doesn't like the beach and much much more!
That would get tons of hits right!!
I looked on the website, yes I finally got on. There are actually people already doing this in Richmond. You can charge whatever fee you wish, 20 even 50 dollars an hour.
So I am not sure where I was going with this, BUT, I think there is a deeper question and topic here.. so lets discuss!!!
I looked on the website, yes I finally got on. There are actually people already doing this in Richmond. You can charge whatever fee you wish, 20 even 50 dollars an hour.
So I am not sure where I was going with this, BUT, I think there is a deeper question and topic here.. so lets discuss!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What to do, what to do.....?
Oh that last post was so lovely I did not want to write a new one!!!! But I need some help friends! Did I only start a blog for you all to answer all my 'life questions'? Perhaps! Or perhaps one of you out there is the vehicle through which God is going to speak to me......oooooh wouldn't ya like it to be you!
So here is the deal, in case some of you don't know I have been job hunting for a while now. Before I had the penguins I was a career nanny. It prepared me for motherhood very nicely! I would love to be able to stay at home with the penguins full time but raising 3 of them is SUPER expensive. I have been on a few interviews and had hoped to find a job that enabled me to bring Small at least until he stops nursing. I would say by October or so I could probably leave him all day. So, I interviewed for a great job last week and they want to hire me but they have MAJOR reservations about me bringing Small. I guess I could pump and leave him with bottles IF he would ever take a bottle! Raise your hand if you have given Small a bottle and he took more than an ounce......right, *crickets* just as I suspected. For now he would need at least two bottles per day while I was gone to work. So what's a girl to do? Leave Small to starve for the good of the rest of the family? Hope his brain develops properly on green beans, pears, and oatmeal? Pray everyday that he finally decides a bottle is an acceptable substitute for his dear ole Mom? Stay home with Mr. Picky-Pants and keep making Lin and the lady penguins eat spaghetti? Someone out there must have all the answers, right? Well I am sure nobody (but God) has ALL the answers but you folks are all welcome to weigh in here, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!! Hope all my peeps out there are enjoying this crazy heat!!!
So here is the deal, in case some of you don't know I have been job hunting for a while now. Before I had the penguins I was a career nanny. It prepared me for motherhood very nicely! I would love to be able to stay at home with the penguins full time but raising 3 of them is SUPER expensive. I have been on a few interviews and had hoped to find a job that enabled me to bring Small at least until he stops nursing. I would say by October or so I could probably leave him all day. So, I interviewed for a great job last week and they want to hire me but they have MAJOR reservations about me bringing Small. I guess I could pump and leave him with bottles IF he would ever take a bottle! Raise your hand if you have given Small a bottle and he took more than an ounce......right, *crickets* just as I suspected. For now he would need at least two bottles per day while I was gone to work. So what's a girl to do? Leave Small to starve for the good of the rest of the family? Hope his brain develops properly on green beans, pears, and oatmeal? Pray everyday that he finally decides a bottle is an acceptable substitute for his dear ole Mom? Stay home with Mr. Picky-Pants and keep making Lin and the lady penguins eat spaghetti? Someone out there must have all the answers, right? Well I am sure nobody (but God) has ALL the answers but you folks are all welcome to weigh in here, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!! Hope all my peeps out there are enjoying this crazy heat!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
A MAN.... ???
So, I grew up in a home full of men, aside from my mom... I was taught at a young age a number of things, and most of these things you could combine and call them "dad quotes". Ranging from but not only, " Are ya bleeding? No, then get up and play. Go drink some Tussin you'll be alright, Come on son, men don't cry. Your mom and I expect more from you son. For God sakes, DON'T, DON'T get her pregnant, that's all you need, knock up some one night stand. Well son, I tried it, I knew you would try it, did you like it? Now go flush it down the toilet. Wait, let Me flush it down the toilet." The list could go on and on.
I have a son now... granted he is only 5 months old, BUT, he already has much older women after him (that's my boy George, that's the curse you will have to live with). I have always had it in my mind on how I would raise my children, that I would be the strong arm in the family and I would "break bad' on em... then I realized, I was weak. I hate punishing my kids, I mean look at em their sooo sweet (on the outside) they are like those mafia"ish" penguins in that movie Madagascar on the inside, always planning their next move, how to get to the top shelf, and snatch the cookies etc.
Ok back to the topic at hand. I look at My son now and wonder, what kind of man do I want him to be, when friends, girlfriends, parents of friends and said girlfriends, and strangers look at him, what do I want them to see. Now I am not saying that I was brought up wrong, bad or anything. I am successful for the most part, have a loving wife, and amazing kids that I could sell for a mint on the black market and a God that has blessed me with more than I could ever ask for. But I do know that I want to bring him up with some different values than I was brought up with.
I think that there is a large difference between what society says a man is and what God, church and the bible says a man is. Now I am not sure all of the in's and out's of that is, but I have my own opinions. First, I think that being a man is much more than not crying, I think it is ok for a man to cry, maybe not at the Movie Twilight or Dirty Dancing, but it is ok to cry, I think that being a man is more than providing for your family financially, I Think that it is more than punishing your kids. To be being a man is putting your family before you, supporting everyone through whatever they need. To make sure that your children have a strong belief in God, to know that is it ok to make mistakes. To be truthful, honest and upfront with all they goods and bads in ones life. And to make sure that your wife is treated as gold, and that nothing, and nobody comes between you and her, or into your house that could cause and heartburn.
I could go on and on. But, I will end here.......
Small, please understand that over time I will make mistakes, I will fumble, I will cry in front of you, I will laugh with you. We will have those "Father/Son.... Man to Man" moments. Some I will have had with My dad, some we will create on our own. Please understand that when you don't think you are being watched by others, and you might get away with it, you are and you wont. Know that I love you. Treat your Mom wonderfully, she sacrificed alot for you. Your sisters will over time have friends over.. try NOT to spy on em too much. Your Mom and I look forward to bringing you up in an environment that we never had. When you are old enough for your friends to say the following, "try this you'll love it, we did it." A) they never tried it and B) you wont love it! I only know this cause well, I was the fool who fell for it over and over again. Money isn't everything, Family will always be there for you no matter how badly you messed up. Try and let you Mom get some sleep, cause well... she is sooo tired and well... daddy needs some lovin (one day you will understand and laugh at that). If you ever have any questions and anything (other than women), ask me....
Mommy, I love you. You are amazing, you are the most understanding, gorgeous, strong willed, good hearted, loving, caring woman I have ever met. And it doesn't hurt that you are a great kisser either. I look forward to raising the kids with you. I look forward to getting back to dating again. To doing silly, fun grown up stuff again. I have stumbled, I have tripped. And after every "oops" you pick Me back up, pray, forgive me and hug Me... and I thank you for that.
To Large and Medium, I am sorry that I cant write all this to you yet.. cause well.. I am still trying to figure girls out!!! But soon.. I promise, with Mommy's help!!!!!
I have a son now... granted he is only 5 months old, BUT, he already has much older women after him (that's my boy George, that's the curse you will have to live with). I have always had it in my mind on how I would raise my children, that I would be the strong arm in the family and I would "break bad' on em... then I realized, I was weak. I hate punishing my kids, I mean look at em their sooo sweet (on the outside) they are like those mafia"ish" penguins in that movie Madagascar on the inside, always planning their next move, how to get to the top shelf, and snatch the cookies etc.
Ok back to the topic at hand. I look at My son now and wonder, what kind of man do I want him to be, when friends, girlfriends, parents of friends and said girlfriends, and strangers look at him, what do I want them to see. Now I am not saying that I was brought up wrong, bad or anything. I am successful for the most part, have a loving wife, and amazing kids that I could sell for a mint on the black market and a God that has blessed me with more than I could ever ask for. But I do know that I want to bring him up with some different values than I was brought up with.
I think that there is a large difference between what society says a man is and what God, church and the bible says a man is. Now I am not sure all of the in's and out's of that is, but I have my own opinions. First, I think that being a man is much more than not crying, I think it is ok for a man to cry, maybe not at the Movie Twilight or Dirty Dancing, but it is ok to cry, I think that being a man is more than providing for your family financially, I Think that it is more than punishing your kids. To be being a man is putting your family before you, supporting everyone through whatever they need. To make sure that your children have a strong belief in God, to know that is it ok to make mistakes. To be truthful, honest and upfront with all they goods and bads in ones life. And to make sure that your wife is treated as gold, and that nothing, and nobody comes between you and her, or into your house that could cause and heartburn.
I could go on and on. But, I will end here.......
Small, please understand that over time I will make mistakes, I will fumble, I will cry in front of you, I will laugh with you. We will have those "Father/Son.... Man to Man" moments. Some I will have had with My dad, some we will create on our own. Please understand that when you don't think you are being watched by others, and you might get away with it, you are and you wont. Know that I love you. Treat your Mom wonderfully, she sacrificed alot for you. Your sisters will over time have friends over.. try NOT to spy on em too much. Your Mom and I look forward to bringing you up in an environment that we never had. When you are old enough for your friends to say the following, "try this you'll love it, we did it." A) they never tried it and B) you wont love it! I only know this cause well, I was the fool who fell for it over and over again. Money isn't everything, Family will always be there for you no matter how badly you messed up. Try and let you Mom get some sleep, cause well... she is sooo tired and well... daddy needs some lovin (one day you will understand and laugh at that). If you ever have any questions and anything (other than women), ask me....
Mommy, I love you. You are amazing, you are the most understanding, gorgeous, strong willed, good hearted, loving, caring woman I have ever met. And it doesn't hurt that you are a great kisser either. I look forward to raising the kids with you. I look forward to getting back to dating again. To doing silly, fun grown up stuff again. I have stumbled, I have tripped. And after every "oops" you pick Me back up, pray, forgive me and hug Me... and I thank you for that.
To Large and Medium, I am sorry that I cant write all this to you yet.. cause well.. I am still trying to figure girls out!!! But soon.. I promise, with Mommy's help!!!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Ode to Joy
Oh yes friends, we are going to be AWESOME bloggers! The truth is we are far too busy for this (and not good enough spellers!) but we need an outlet for all of our creativity and funny stories. Hopefully they are funny to someone besides us!
As I write my first blog lots of thoughts are going through my head. Should I be sweeping the kitchen floor? Or working with Medium on her colors (I think she knows them just refuses to say them properly because she thinks it's funny)? Cleaning out my closet or grocery shopping perhaps? Does anyone care what I have to say? Does this glorify God? Am I going to leave out tons of words? What makes my brain do that by the way? Anyhoo, here I sit with Small sleeping and Medium parked in front of the TV, Large is playing with the little girls next door hoping to score some more "Hamma Bontamma" cake. What I probably should be doing is taking a nap! Small has something against sleeping through the night. So, yes, it has been 5 LONG months since I have had a decent nights sleep! I should be glad I can still form a sentence. One of my good friends told me not long ago that some countries use sleep deprivation to torture prisoners of war. This comment fascinated and comforted me somehow. Was I proud to endure that same type of torture as war heros? Inspired by if they could do it than so can I? Maybe, but I have pretty much told everyone who will listen about that story since he told me, sorry y'all maybe this will get it out of my system! There are three more things that bring me inspiration and comfort when I think I will not survive through another day of these penguins without proper sleep.
-Michelle Duggar- When she only had 3 or 5 or 7 kids and no TV show there must have been days she wanted to pull her hair out, right? Is she always so calm and happy and focused? Does she ever just scream at any of those kids? The answers don't really matter I guess.....
-My sweet sweet Hubby- He works so hard for us. He really tries to give me a break when I am just about to lose my mind. And he understands and let's me vent....usually!
-Counting my blessing. How many people in this world give anything to have 3 beautiful, sweet, and healthy children? Tons, even if they have to live through it on no sleep! Thank you, God!!
PS- answers to any questions posed here today will be appreciated! :-)
As I write my first blog lots of thoughts are going through my head. Should I be sweeping the kitchen floor? Or working with Medium on her colors (I think she knows them just refuses to say them properly because she thinks it's funny)? Cleaning out my closet or grocery shopping perhaps? Does anyone care what I have to say? Does this glorify God? Am I going to leave out tons of words? What makes my brain do that by the way? Anyhoo, here I sit with Small sleeping and Medium parked in front of the TV, Large is playing with the little girls next door hoping to score some more "Hamma Bontamma" cake. What I probably should be doing is taking a nap! Small has something against sleeping through the night. So, yes, it has been 5 LONG months since I have had a decent nights sleep! I should be glad I can still form a sentence. One of my good friends told me not long ago that some countries use sleep deprivation to torture prisoners of war. This comment fascinated and comforted me somehow. Was I proud to endure that same type of torture as war heros? Inspired by if they could do it than so can I? Maybe, but I have pretty much told everyone who will listen about that story since he told me, sorry y'all maybe this will get it out of my system! There are three more things that bring me inspiration and comfort when I think I will not survive through another day of these penguins without proper sleep.
-Michelle Duggar- When she only had 3 or 5 or 7 kids and no TV show there must have been days she wanted to pull her hair out, right? Is she always so calm and happy and focused? Does she ever just scream at any of those kids? The answers don't really matter I guess.....
-My sweet sweet Hubby- He works so hard for us. He really tries to give me a break when I am just about to lose my mind. And he understands and let's me vent....usually!
-Counting my blessing. How many people in this world give anything to have 3 beautiful, sweet, and healthy children? Tons, even if they have to live through it on no sleep! Thank you, God!!
PS- answers to any questions posed here today will be appreciated! :-)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A REAL date
Since I started the blog I have been searching for things in my life that I feel are worth writing about. And it didn't take long for me to realize that things happen in our life everyday that could make the front page of any tabloid mag or the headline story on Americas Funniest Home Videos...
The day after I started the blog it seemed like things were either A) happening just so that we could write about em or B) we just looked alil closer now. I caught myself asking Holly, "oh oh can I write about that, can I, can I, please, please. And the funniest thing is.. I hate writing, go figure. But this entry is special to me, and here is why.....
I knew all week that Holly had planned a date for her and I. She planned the babysitter to watch ALL 3 kids.... (that's right a REAL date). A Band called the Upper East Side Big Band was playing at Dogwood Dell Friday night and one of Holly and my friends was playing a bone (trombone) in the band. A lil history, for those who don't know, Upper East Side is a 16 piece band, and in this case they were celebrating their album release "Abby road".
Holly knows how much I love the Beatles and Big Band/Swing music. So to combine them all... BINGO!!! So I get home on Friday. She has packed up "The bag of all bags". Sushi, red wine, hummus, celery, cucumber, carrots, wheat thins home made egg salad and cold beer and did I mention sushi!!
So to make a really long post a bit shorter. This was one of the most amazing dates I had ever been on... so picture this... sitting with your special someone.. in this case... Holly.... brisk evening air, a slight breeze, an amazing picnic style snack bag, blanket, not a cloud in the sky, sun setting behind us and amazing music.. singing together, sitting all close to one another, laughing, people watching (yes we love to people watch) and enjoying every minute together.
So to Holly, "thank you", the evening was amazing, no kids, no worries, just you, me, laughs, songs, a cool breeze in the summer air and the sun setting behind us listening to Beatles done Big Band....
The day after I started the blog it seemed like things were either A) happening just so that we could write about em or B) we just looked alil closer now. I caught myself asking Holly, "oh oh can I write about that, can I, can I, please, please. And the funniest thing is.. I hate writing, go figure. But this entry is special to me, and here is why.....
I knew all week that Holly had planned a date for her and I. She planned the babysitter to watch ALL 3 kids.... (that's right a REAL date). A Band called the Upper East Side Big Band was playing at Dogwood Dell Friday night and one of Holly and my friends was playing a bone (trombone) in the band. A lil history, for those who don't know, Upper East Side is a 16 piece band, and in this case they were celebrating their album release "Abby road".
Holly knows how much I love the Beatles and Big Band/Swing music. So to combine them all... BINGO!!! So I get home on Friday. She has packed up "The bag of all bags". Sushi, red wine, hummus, celery, cucumber, carrots, wheat thins home made egg salad and cold beer and did I mention sushi!!
So to make a really long post a bit shorter. This was one of the most amazing dates I had ever been on... so picture this... sitting with your special someone.. in this case... Holly.... brisk evening air, a slight breeze, an amazing picnic style snack bag, blanket, not a cloud in the sky, sun setting behind us and amazing music.. singing together, sitting all close to one another, laughing, people watching (yes we love to people watch) and enjoying every minute together.
So to Holly, "thank you", the evening was amazing, no kids, no worries, just you, me, laughs, songs, a cool breeze in the summer air and the sun setting behind us listening to Beatles done Big Band....
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
House Rules
So animal house..... how did we come up with that name? Simple, 3 crazy, fun, loving yet mafia style children and 2 parents that wonder every night, what in the world happened today. So why do I say mafia style children, well if you have seen the movie Madagascar the penguins.... My children remind me of them, they walk around as though they rule the roost, always scheming always planning their next destruction.
Holly and I had talked about starting a blog for years now to use as a tool for friends and family members to keep up with our life and excitement. Well, here it is. For now we are going to use large medium and small to relate to our kids. That reason is 2 fold, A) its funny, come on... and B) well.. safety. So I know by now you are sitting on the edge of your seats wondering who we are. So without further ado...
Lin- The Dad, The Lion, The hunter. Funny and goofy Dad tends to dance around and act like a total fool . Sad for him the kids love it, so he is stuck with doing it. The Lion (thats me remember), is considered gay(ish) by friends due to the way he dresses... so needless to say, other Lions.... not too scared of Dad...
Holly-Mom, Ok before we talk about Mom I have to preface this by saying Honey I love you very much... ok with that said. Mom, the Elephant is the most caring of animals and very empathetic to members of their family. Mom tends to be the caregiver of the family. She is always being swarmed by her childern and her husband. She is adored and is the center of the family. Did he really just call me an elephant? PS... Holly has been reading this over my shoulder, so she may appear sometimes randomly.. forgive her.
Then there are the "penguins". As was said before, they will walk around all day long.. well 2 of them, one lays around and it is either eating, crying, loading up a diaper or taking hits from the other 2. Mom and dad have come to realize that when quiet sets in, something is usually in the works. And usually the outcome ends up being..... well.... a perfect YouTube video.
So follow along with us, enjoy the laughs, the pictures, the videos and everything else that will come from the Animal House. You are sure to get a chuckle or two and hopefully brighten a not so bright day with us.
Holly and I had talked about starting a blog for years now to use as a tool for friends and family members to keep up with our life and excitement. Well, here it is. For now we are going to use large medium and small to relate to our kids. That reason is 2 fold, A) its funny, come on... and B) well.. safety. So I know by now you are sitting on the edge of your seats wondering who we are. So without further ado...
Lin- The Dad, The Lion, The hunter. Funny and goofy Dad tends to dance around and act like a total fool . Sad for him the kids love it, so he is stuck with doing it. The Lion (thats me remember), is considered gay(ish) by friends due to the way he dresses... so needless to say, other Lions.... not too scared of Dad...
Holly-Mom, Ok before we talk about Mom I have to preface this by saying Honey I love you very much... ok with that said. Mom, the Elephant is the most caring of animals and very empathetic to members of their family. Mom tends to be the caregiver of the family. She is always being swarmed by her childern and her husband. She is adored and is the center of the family. Did he really just call me an elephant? PS... Holly has been reading this over my shoulder, so she may appear sometimes randomly.. forgive her.
Then there are the "penguins". As was said before, they will walk around all day long.. well 2 of them, one lays around and it is either eating, crying, loading up a diaper or taking hits from the other 2. Mom and dad have come to realize that when quiet sets in, something is usually in the works. And usually the outcome ends up being..... well.... a perfect YouTube video.
So follow along with us, enjoy the laughs, the pictures, the videos and everything else that will come from the Animal House. You are sure to get a chuckle or two and hopefully brighten a not so bright day with us.
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