Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tug of War

I have not wanted to admit this but I am very grouchy this Christmas season...maybe some of you already noticed! ;-) I know plenty of people who are usually crabby around this time of year, I will admit the hustle and bustle is not for everyone. But that usually never bothers me, I love the busy and the parties and the shopping (by far my favorite part!) and the decorating and especially the music. I try not to be over-the-top, obnoxiously happy (ahem-LIN :) however it is normally pretty hard to get me in a bad mood at Christmas. This year something is different for me and I don't like it! As I admit this to you the weight of the guilt as I say the words is so heavy I am worried I won't be able to get out of the chair I am sitting in. I have NO reason to be grumpy. I am so blessed. So so so so very lucky and blessed...and I know that, I really do. But still somehow I can't shake this feeling of constant stress and being stretched too thin. Too thin..ha ha ha wouldn't that be a nice change since my answer to stress is to eat more cookies. I have been praying about it alot and so I thought maybe to admit it out loud to millions of (or maybe just 7) people would help to get it off my chest. Sadly now I can feel you all staring at the screen and yelling, "Get with it lady! You should be thrilled about how lucky you are!!". Geez, you guys are harsh! Just kidding, lovely friends. Is is possible to feel blessed and completely stressed out at the same time? Doesn't seem like you have mastered counting your blessings if you are sweating your to-do list at the same time. My heart feels like poor Toddler Baby when Large is trying to get under Mediums skin. Her favorite trick is to grab Toddler Baby and dangle her in front of Medium until a frantic tug-of-war begins while Med screams and Large sports her sinister smile. It's awesome. Don't stop reading in order to google Toddler Baby; that is one of Medium's 'guys'. He/She (jury is out on the gender) never wears clothes and I'm pretty sure I got him at the dollar spot last Christmas. He's not an official brand; Toddler Baby, is just what Medium named him/her. Feel free to giggle. Anyway, so what do you do here at the Animal House when you are feeling blue? We like to blame Small. I know he seems so innocent but nobody was grumpy for Christmas until he came along! I tell myself I could manage everything anything until I had a third baby. Luckily for Small-man it's not really true and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Even if that means I have to be buried under a mound of unwrapped presents (the official count for how many I have had to rewrap(thanks to the girls) is 4) for the next couple days. Have a very Merry Christmas dear readers!!!!

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